“What’s the video of the day, Ray?”
“What’s the video of the day, Ray?”
5 1/4" floppy disk drives had little sensors that would detect a notch in the side of the rectangular disk sleeve (well outside of the round magnetic disk inside). Open notch meant “writeable”. Manufacturers would sell “one sided” disks cheaper with missing notch for the backside of the disk to prevent using it. You could use a hole punch to pierce the soft plastic sleeve and make a “writable” hole at the correct spot. The disks inside were identical on both sides, there never was a “one-sided floppy disk”, technically. This was during the “C64 and everybody got the games by exchanging floppy disks on the school yard” phase of home computing (ca 1985). Prices for floppy disks mattered a lot back then.
Using a hole punch to make 5 1/4" disks double sided! Saved a lot of money!
Success has many parents. Failure is an orphan.
If you think you can open the front window of a 737 above the clouds and the only thing that happens is that your tie is slightly blown to the side then you have a very limited grasp of reality.
I don’t know. In my country no gas can be paid unless the nozzle has been placed back. The machine registers as “still pumping”, and the gas station attendant sees this and cannot process the payment. Why you would do this any other way baffles my mind.
Well put, however I find code formatting itself has a shape, texture and smell. How the programmer weaves the patterns of formatting tells a lot about his mind and style.
Knew a programmer that was near blind who only used magnifier on maximum zoom with his IDE. One of the best programmers I met, but his screen looked very much like that. Don’t know how he did it.
Yeah you’ll get downvoted, because spending 5k on cold hamburgers from McDonald’s ist not something anybody would do. It’s something an idiot would do. Everyone with two brain cells would have started calling large restaurants or catering providers and ask them if they can make something happen.
It’s actually a Caipirinha. I think I remember drinking a freshly juiced one at a bar once.
Same here. This was such a hostile move I never bought anything “Sony” after that.
Yeah, Same Here. A “chooser” that offers 30 options kind of fails in its core functionality…
I was not joking at all - this is exactly what their legal stance is. I agree someone at Nissan is very likely thinking about how to make money with this.
Wtf. Genetic information. So they can take your DNA after bringing your car in for service and sell it?
Most important thing in my experience is getting the most slow ass charging adapter with the crappiest cable and use that for charging overnight. Many phones already have some intelligent charging strategy, but you should limit the charging speed (and thus temperature) as much as possible. My OnePlus already only charges to 80% and only finishes to 100% one hour before I wake up, helps as well. Stay away from 0% or 100% whenever possible.
Word games. “God” and “Soul” are so ill-defined you can get literally anyone to agree that those “things” (thinks?) exist. If I define “soul” as “repeating emergent pattern of genetically and environmentally internal state and observable behaviour in a sentient species” I maybe could even get some people in this community to agree that such a concept exists. If I use a more religious definition like “magic non physical entity bestowed by an eternal god” all I would get is a resounding “NOO!”. It is the memetics strength of those concepts by being incredibly flexible and vague that will ensure their ongoing use and existence - and questions like this one.
Yeah they got into the supply route and added c4 to all those pagers. Makes me wonder how many pagers or smartphones have added explosives still.