Well in almost every other circumstance, you’re forgetting Uber and Airbnb.
Well in almost every other circumstance, you’re forgetting Uber and Airbnb.
Everyone will benefit, but have to imagine relatively few will buy tools to actually take advantage of it.
Pragmatically it definitely would. Republicans have a fairly unpopular platform they’re running behind a demagogue. The rest of the party “stars” have the personality of a wet paper towel so hard to imagine them garnering anywhere near the enthusiasm.
I hope the recent attention brings it back to its former dykekiki glory this summer, it’s really fallen into grody hempfest crowd over the last several years. I pick up so much trash when I go there now, it’s kinda depressing.
I knew there was a link between cell phones and cancer!!
…yeah that’s kind of the literal point
Yeah I was curious about Apple selling data to brokers, which I think would be new news. For Meta yeah that was the ios14 update, which really messed with their bottom line apparently lol
Sorry Apple is selling user data to data brokers now?
Wait the save button can remind you on Lemmy? Is this on the desktop? I don’t see an option on the Voyager app at least.
How’s HA compare to Hubitat? I like the offlineness of hub, but I’m not a programmer and setting a lot of stuff up often feels like a chore.
Technically no, it’s probably thicker than a soup? Practically yeah, you could dunk some grilled cheese in that bad boy.
It is a red pepper coulis, which is basically a purée.
That plus they also have comparatively shorter lifespans.
Not to the people who are just fatphobic, but it definitely sows confusions. I’ve cleared it up with way too many people offline and on for it be just a rare misunderstanding.
The subtle rephrasing of “health at every size” as “healthy at every size” also doesn’t help.
Legit hadn’t heard “found the fatty” for years until I came to this site.
Cause smoking formaldehyde gets you high. Take it you’ve never heard of wet, but people will dip cigs or joints in it and smoke them. Wasnt uncommon back in the day that shitty weed would be laced with it.
Also kush is not referring to the weed strain here.
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Are we running out of things to get mad about?