I hadn’t heard about the sexual allegations, I don’t think. When?
I hadn’t heard about the sexual allegations, I don’t think. When?
Hey it says we’re the best! Wooo!
And these things are truly worth a fraction of their assigned value - and no value at all to those who aren’t interested in them. The plumbing inside Microsoft is worthless to me except to maybe make a bong, but it’s worth billions to the company that requires it.
The people with the money are the ones running shit. Everything works until they say it doesn’t. Or until we all do.
To expand: the economy runs on many fuels. Progress, yes. But also blood.
It’s almost like financial value is artificially assigned or something, and not, like, intrinsic.
Leave it to the British to yoink a new pharaoh out of the ground. The museum attendance must be down.
I just figured it was generated by a script or something, but I gotta say, you should go hide yourself somewhere or something. I think Pops might’ve had enough crystal for a while. Dude needs to chill and take a nap.
“These bitchin’-ass mofos be 'scovern errthan.”
First of all, that second url made me chuckle. “Turns up bizarre sea creatures like nothin.” Like, “Check it homie, these fuckin’ scientists are discovering shit like it ain’t nothin’. Shiiiiiiit.”
Secondly, it makes me think of a baby Old One. Look at it. With it’s lil tentacles and stuff. Gross little creature. Ugh. Praise him.
Didn’t they do that already?
At least it’s a sticky piston, so you know they plan to remove it eventually. Or, they want you to think they will.
Oh, the humanity! All those meatballs! 😭
USER INPUT: “Generate an image of a house, please. Make sure it has normal windows, and euclidean geometry.”
These are good points that I hadn’t initially thought of. I actually didn’t know about the browser user part at all.
The whole situation just sucks, really.
“Now sir you’re going to receive a six-digit code via text message. This is merely to verify your identity to make sure you are not lying to scam our company.”
First of all, your idea is insane. “Borrowing” someone’s login info? You’re either very naive, or you’re preying on the very naive. If it’s the latter, you should be ashamed. If it’s not the latter, pm me I have a bridge to sell you.
Secondly, if you’re instantly getting banned for asking questions, the probability is that the questions you’re asking are - by your purposeful doing or otherwise - offensive. And the fact that it keeps happening indicates that you don’t learn from your mistakes.
I think I can answer your health and legal questions right now:
Health: The link between vaccines and autism is weaker than your father’s wrist.
Legal: Sovereign Citizenship isn’t real.
Anything else we can do for you?
Oh yeah. At least it’ll be 5 hours long
And while I’m driving my wife to the hospital to have our baby… how fortuitous!