He meant “free speech abolitionist”, easy typo to make.
He meant “free speech abolitionist”, easy typo to make.
What? With Trump running the country like a mafia protection racket? How could that be?
Get ready for more anti-EU / anti-regulation / pro-AfD propaganda.
It includes a full firewall that can block everything (that an Android VPN can block).
RethinkDNS has a lockdown mode where it blocks everything you don’t explicitly unblock. Doesn’t help with memory usage but might be useful to not be part of a botnet or ten.
EU warning against advertising on X
… and Musk supporting anti-EU parties.
At this point it’s not “dog whistling”, we’re all hearing it loud and clear. It’s “implausible deniability”.
I hope those egg prices will go down (they won’t).
They might, since deregulation is another of Trump’s plans. Then the producers can save money by not bothering to keep dangerous substances out of the food, or the water, or the air… and pass those “savings” on to the consumers.
The best compliment for a cook is to turn everything they make into shit.
Not sure how yours works, but on some “remote-only” devices you can use a (potentially sketchy) USB split cable with power connector and an additional USB port for a keyboard / keyboard-mouse combo so you can use a regular browser to download and install apps.
Your stance sounds like “too many people are assholes, this world is not worth living in” - arguably true, on the other hand, that gives the assholes all the power.
Also why they (Musk especially visibly amongst them) try to destabilize the EU - the possibly most effective consumer protection organization that messes with their bottom line.
edit: Just saw another example: https://www.politico.eu/article/zuckerberg-urges-trump-to-stop-eu-from-screwing-with-fining-us-tech-companies/
It just matters that it’s consistent. The transactions that are put into the blockchain just have to follow the rules of the blockchain and be the same for everyone who reads the blockchain. That’s all that “correctness” means as far as the blockchain is concerned.
Still useless for anything that depends on external data, since there can be no guarantee that what has been entered is correct. What’s the point of a consistent record of garbage?
But blockchain at its core is just a distributed database. One that has no central authority, can not be tampered with, cannot be altered, nor taken down if parametrized accordingly.
Which is completely useless if the data that goes into that blockchain isn’t guaranteed to be correct. And if there’s money in it you can bet your ass that someone will try to game the system.
You’re also glossing over the existing grid that needs money to be maintained while complaining that energy companies want money. Yes, there’s a general problem where society allowed (and partly encouraged) sociopaths to be unrestrained greedy assholes that needs some kind of solution, but not all companies are useless leeches, it’s “just” an all-pervading corruption that needs to be dealt with - and as long as that hasn’t happened, every idealistic solution faces the threat of being corrupted itself.
They should have focused on the name change, to prove that there is a demand for “GIMP but with another name”. Everything else can be done in the main project or any fork, and that those don’t exist show that the manpower needed for that isn’t really available.
There was a separate project that changed the name to “Glimpse”, and then got too many other great ideas for the few people they had to actually get somewhere and it dissolved.
“Winnie the Pooh” - a term that’s banned in China because it’s used to mock President Xi Jinping.
What a weak snowflake. A confident and capable leader doesn’t fear opposition.
Make sure to disable Windows hybrid sleep. If your system isn’t shutdown properly and you access the Windows partition from another system that can destroy data.
If you just want to keep the data on the Windows partition and usually don’t need to run Windows, I’d remove the Windows drive and keep it somewhere safe, and get another SSD for Linux. That way, the two systems are completely separate and can do nothing to each other.
Swap is mostly a crutch for too little RAM, if the system doesn’t have enough the best solution would be an upgrade. If that’s not possible, consider zram-swap, or if you have to, swap to an SSD (that will reduce its lifespan, though maybe not in a relevant manner). If you swap to an old HDD you won’t have much fun using the system.
I’m unconvinced that pulling back from space programs will make Earth’s ecosystem thrive.
My point was more or less the opposite: Anyone interested in space exploration should also be interested in keeping Earth well livable, because that is needed for its success.
From world police to mafia protection racket.