Treat then fair they’ll do you the same.
Probably soon I’m going to be just like them by next year
I want to but the price is to high for what they’re asking for. I could have gotten myself a subscription for crunchy roll or Netflix with the money they’re asking
Had a older brother lost him 6 years ago found him again last year now we’re best brothers again
Be able to see 5 seconds in the future
But expensive
Wow you’re kinda in my position except I’m not trans and got some of my family left that care about me. Keep fighting the good fight buddy hopefully you’ll find yourself some friends
Gin and Jack are best way to “reach out” a sip of them and all the pain is gone for a moment
You guys turn to people when things get rough?
I guess when things get tough I’ll turn to my older brother for support, one hug and everything is alright. But before him I was alone
Help the youngest instead of being jealous of them, teach them the faults you made through your life to not repeat those mistakes
I’m the top right got mature because of tough times not pretty but something I’m proud of
Being a prick or a cunt
If you’re tried there isn’t any game to play while being tried. Play exhausted isn’t fun or good way to play
Want to play game, to tired to play
See the problem?