Bernie was more liberal, FDR ran and won 3 times on a more liberal platform.
Bernie was more liberal, FDR ran and won 3 times on a more liberal platform.
Pretty sure he was already a puppet, that was just the rimming of the ring.
EDIT: Speaking of which, does anyone know if Marina Gross is still actually alive? I get not wanting media attention etc, but she seems like a ghost for someone that translates for world leaders.
The choice was, be a friend, or be pig food. Kevin chose wisely.
So your use cases for regex are when you’re not going to actually fix the problem that caused you to need regex?
How about all of human history. It’s never worked out well for the larger hegemony to reduce itself to the benefit of adversaries.
The actual number is irrelevant, the change in number does Khamenei doesn’t know how many nukes Israel or the US actual have. He’ll make decisions based on what he does know. And a draw down tells him he can get away with more attacks.
Russia hadn’t started invading it’s neighbors to steal resources.
I’m saying if your use case makes regex the best option, you’ve gone the wrong way and should turn back. There are definitely corners you can paint yourself into that make it the way to go, but you’ve ended up there through a series of bad ideas.
Turns out the million hours of coding put into SQL, makes it a better option than regex, even for xml based files.
If you’re needing that level of complexity in a text file search, you already fucked up by putting the data in a text file. There’s a reason data file formats exist.
If we draw down, between the number of nukes we have now, and 0, there will be a global war. The actual number of nukes won’t matter, humanity will be at risk of extinction.
The only ones at fault for where we are now are the GoP and Trump. They’ve destabilized the Middle East by supporting Israels settlements, taken every dime from Putin to do his bidding for decades, tore up Pacific treaties to stop Xi, while doing every thing they can to get Iran to give them a pretense to invade.
Japan survived two nukes and became one of the largest financial forces in the world. So how many could Russia survive? 10? 50? Maybe Putin like those odds. Maybe Iran decides it’s worth it to clear out Israel. If there’s only a few nukes involved, the crazy fucks start thinking they can win a nuclear war, or at least survive it well enough to be worth it.
Not trusting Russia used to be bipartisan.
Never debug regex, just generate a new one. It’s not worth the hassle to figure out not only what it does, but what it was meant to do.
Better yet, just write it out in code, and never use regex. Tis a stupid thing that never should have been made.
And every step closer, is a step closer to death. Nuclear weapons are a tigers tail. When we let go, we all die.
Every step closer to disarmament bring us closer to nuclear war. Every nuke disarmed makes us one step closer to Putin or Xi thinking they can win a nuclear war.
Really? How well did throwing away nukes go for Ukraine?
Simple, without nukes we’ll have war, real war, real dead Americans. Most of the reason the doomsday clock is so close right now, is because of Trump. His flippant bullshit about Gaza enraged the Arab world, stepping them closer to nuclear war. His attempts at peace in Ukraine, without involving the Ukrainians, is more likely to cause Ukraine to escalate. His defense secretary just told the Russian’s they could defeat the US Navy. Definitely bullshit, but also makes Russia think they can start more shit, probably starting a wider war with NATO.
I think it’s a time share with China
He wasn’t against gay rights, would probably be the best description. He specifically avoided the topic while campaigning in order to avoid his earlier controversy entrapping men from the Navy by sending men out to have sex with them. Not because he hated gays, he was just given a job, and wasn’t against over doing it. Eleanor took a lesbian lover later on, and he hired a known gay man to serve in his cabinet. For the time, that’s about as progressive as it gets. In modern times, Gore was to the left of Obama and Biden socially.