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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 7th, 2024


  • I was literally in your position mentally and practically situationally just a brief bit of time ago. The situation isn’t fixed yet but my mental state has rebounded to a much better equilibrium.

    So I say to you, having just been through the darkest period of my life, you can make it through. I didn’t think I could this time. It really fucking felt like I couldn’t.

    But I just kept saying to myself give it another day and see what happens. The days still sucked for a good stretch still but then things got brighter and brighter.

    Is everything now sunshine and rainbows? Not even fucking close. But does it feel like there’s still hope? For sure. There is. I just had to stick around long enough to realize there is.

    So I get where you’re coming from. I do. Shit looks fucked right now. Like there’s no upside to anything . No hope. No future. No peace. No happiness.

    Yet there almost certainly is to each of those things. It’s just impossible to see right now.

    Stay around for a little longer. See how things look then.

    And as a final thought here’s a mantra my best friend likes to live by and I have come to adopt as well.

    The only real way out is through.