The trick is to read something that’s fictional and less dry. Fantasy would be an excellent choice. Sci Fi if you still enjoy things slightly more grounded in reality.
Take the route California is taking and educate the kids about worker’s rights. Teach them it’s not okay to be exploited at the work place and encourage them to tell their parents about it. Civics classes should also be taught to learn how the government works and what people’s rights are under the Constitution. Encourage people to unionize now that they know how the system works.
Once the basics have been taught, elect people who care about government reform for social policies by paying for them with higher corporate and personal wealth taxes. Reform the tax system the wealthy have been using to hide their money. All their money is tied up in stocks and they’re living off of multimillion dollar loans? Fuck them, tax a big percentage of the loan. All these things can be done to indirectly seize the fruits of their production at least.
This joke’s getting as stale as the “attack helicopter” shit your alt-right counterparts say.
Try the Samsung XCover 6 Pro. Ignore the criticisms of it not supporting 5G on T-Mobile networks since I use Metro PCS that piggybacks off of it and it runs just fine. Other than its rather large screen size, it feels like one of the earlier Android phones with a removable battery, expandable SD port, and the all important audio jack. It’s rather sad as consumers that one of the few models out there that have these features comes from a business phone line.
It’s Facebook for corporate shills and people who pretend to be one when looking for a job.
Having a digital only version of a console is very concerning from an e-waste point of view. It’ll be an odd-shaped brick years later when the digital store front is long gone and the old SSD gets corrupted.
Don’t try arguing with these people. They’ve never had to deal with someone in a meth fueled psychosis where the slightest movement can be perceived as some kind of taunt or challenge to them.
Assuming nothing is done to curb the recent capitalist tendencies of universities to inflate tuition then yeah it would be mostly restricted to the wealthy. It might be possible that market forces would coerce them to become cheaper again in order to not end up getting shut down from lack of funding from lower enrollment though.
I’ll completely jump ship once SolidWorks can run on Linux. Wine is still a little iffy with it.
Mexican news. It happened in Zacatecas last year.
I saw an angel casually walk down a street with a human head in his mouth. I’d post the video but, y’know, rule 4.
East LA by Atlantic and Whittier. Used to be an opera house.
I hate to say it but there are simply so many subjects to cover in a single day that it’s hard to reinforce the lessons learned in class within the given amount of time in a school session. Maybe if schools were structured in a way in which fewer subjects were taught each day would the lessons stick better without the need of homework.
Recruiters keep asking me to apply and I must’ve told them to pound sand about 3 times in the past 2 years.
The janitor works for $8/hour out of desperation. The CEO works for $10k/hr out of greed. The difference in pay rates based on position should be regulated. I think a CEO should only be paid at most 10 times more than the lowest paid job in any organization. That way everyone will have some parity and a shot at a decent life even at the low end.
That’s a long drive. I’ll have to put on an audiobook.
This. They believe in a lot of the things we do but don’t want to believe their heroes are fucking monsters. Their unwavering support of the trans and gay communities is great, but Marx help you if you bring up the USSR and CCP didn’t take kindly to them. They could be allies to other leftists but end up being insufferable.
The stars and planets affect the lives of astronomers every day though.