I can remember seeing the comment that rickrolled Rick… Fucking legend and expertly done.
I can remember seeing the comment that rickrolled Rick… Fucking legend and expertly done.
How about NixOS where the OS automatically installs the correct software and chooses the right settings. Then you have the time fiddle on your config for hours 🌈
The real answer is 70-80min, because that’s just how long the 9th symphony takes to be played. And they better add a chorus as well, otherwise the 4th movement won’t be as good as it normally is
Never understood this argument. It has nice rethorics but proves nothing. the problem with text prediction != intelligence is that we can’t even define intelligence. I hate AI as much as the next guy here, but that doesn’t mean we should do lazy assertions and quoting dumb arguments.
Low voltage at extremely small sizes: Is there a tunnel there? I see a tunnel there!
Sun Tzu says: if you are strong, appear weak. If you are weak, appear strong.
It’s so sweet when they become aware of the dominance hierarchy 🤗
But I feel after that, she has mostly stuck to physics stuff right?
Wait? I thought they had killed the project or at least significantly reduced it in scope? Why still kill for it then?
How dare him not to say that!
No I’m more interested what happens if you use the one ring as cockring? And to what size will it adjust?
I never understood this, but isn’t Medusa the tragic one? I mean she gets made into this only because she is born extremely beautiful and some random goddess was jealous of her? Sounds extremely unfair. Or was she somehow of bad character?
Until it isn’t
Plottwist: consciousness is : Copy
Die linke Split into two Parties where one is useless and the other … Well… we’ll see. Problem is that the far right is just Very good at making TikTok content atm.
Ah Afghanistan. Where empires go to die
This is Elon Musk
Even though I understand the facts that Taylor swift tries to do better and is by no means the worst offender, I’m not sorry for finding it funny. I have a strict policy not to be sorry for people who own more than 1million $
Never forget that he became the dictator afterwards
Is 48800 enough to live jn London?