Naah. They’re not ducks unless they make duck sounds.
That distinction doesn’t exist in German.
Surely shouldnt they prosecute the creators?
Just wait till they get Lemmy on their iPads
Man that really is just sisiphys for toddlers.
Yes, but in a different way.
Think about how you know that this picture is fake. The only thing you are now going off of are prior beliefs. Now suppose your prior beliefs were messed up. Nothing would correct you from living in that AI-generated reality.
Very very possible
Haha yeaaah I have a couple of those too
Putin’s permanent swallowed smile is super accurate
Surrey is as British as it gets!
Speaks for itsef!
Some German words are self-aware
Bruh why does it feel more natural in German.
I’ve turned them off. For some reason my brain takes vote numbers really personally and not seeing them makes me feel freer to comment whatever I like. Also I think the text/replies should speak for themselves.
That’s so amusing