I don’t get it tbh, someone enlighten me please.
You can always say: ‘I’m reading a book or watch series x atm, why what are you up to / why do you wanna know?’
Choose a book or series you know by heart and you always have an alibi.
If they are the kind who asks are you free on day x? Without stating a reason ask ‘why do you wanna know?’ Or say ‘I think I’ve got plans that day why?’
The takeaway here is, don’t fall in traps like that. Be smarter about your answer.
Probably only in the same way cartoons made kids belief that gravity only takes affect when one looks to the audience. Most often, most kids won’t transfer any of that to reality but we all had that one kid at our school who was reaaaaaally close to do the Naruto run.
Why does everyone assume books equals novels. The books loaned might have been text books or even journals.
I find it extremely unsettling, this tactic. It could have hit anyone and I think it should be condemned. Just imagine the outcry if Russia should have done that in the Ukraine.
You are like two steps away from turning into a bakery.
You need to talk with her, be open address your fears and how you feel about the situation. It will be difficult to address, it needs some delicate wording.
By this I mean make sure that you don’t blame her for having the pain, it is not her fault to feel it. It is understandable that she needs someone to rely on, but not at the expense of your own happiness.
There is the chance that she will feel attacked and mistreated. That is a risk when discussing any issue. It is best when you tell her that lately you feel exhausted, you wish you could help more but that you cannot. And that you guys need to find a way to deal with it together. It seems to me she is craving / needing the security and someone to rely on so when discussing the issue ensure her that you are there, you are not removing yourself.
It is also worth noting that you have had time to think about how you feel and what it is that bothers you, she did not have that luxury. For her it will be the first time, that she hears about that. Give her the time she needs, it will take time to adjust, to figure out what she is feeling and how to address the changes that are necessary.
Lastly, if you two can’t discuss an issue within your relationship in a civil manner it begs the question, is there a point then? Over the years there will be more issues that have to be discussed, problems need solving and if communication fails then there is more hurt coming.
To be fair, they do use the same language often enough when reporting about police shootings. Which does not make it any better though.
Imagine the carnage, if the headline was correct the way you read it first…
The ‘I’m sorry’ stuff gets even more on my nerves when I set 3 base rules for the whole session and it has forgotten about them in the very next prompt.
All the time on science memes, try going back to ‘best of all time’. It can also make modding on mobile quite a pain, when you as a mod can’t see the post. Though the failed to load media is, what I have heard not due to the app itself but that the link in the post is broken and the app just has not indexed the post yet. Which is why other apps may show the post correctly because they indexed it before the link broke. However I can not remember where I read that. So it might be completely false.
In a sense - yes it is good to ‘be like everyone else’. Now before you all downvote, ask yourself what do we consider normal? When becomes a behaviour problematic?
we assume behaviour falls on a bell curve. At the extreme ends is behaviour that’s is considered to be ‘abnormal’ as in not normal and in the in-between is what we consider normal and what most people do. Abnormal does not mean bad or detrimental to one’s health however; it often sparks a negative reaction from others.
In line with this is the ‘insult’ to be extra unique, different or special would be not normal because most people are not at the end of the bell curve.
If we apply this to mental health: you may feel depressed at times. Doesn’t mean anything but the more days you feel that way, the further to the end of the bell curve do you move. At some point you are an outlier and we can safely say: you have a major depression. Now this is simplified but it gets the point across.
In other areas it is better to not be extremely unique, too. Think of school, in my experience being different is not a problem but being extremely different to your peers will have negative impact on you. They might pick on you or outright ignore you. This is not justifying this it is sadly how it often goes.
No evidence of fair play either then?
I think religion is represented wrong. It should read :
Being in a dark room looking for a black cat, believing that it is there.
I get where the OP is coming from and many religious people have been loud, vocal and hostile recently but it’s not a core principle of religion to be that way.
I never understood why they don’t address that issue that the villages are so all over the place.
But I also dislike the ravines and constant cave systems.
Tried setting it up once on an old pc to have it as a kinda streaming thingy behind the tv. Never finished the project. First I was overloaded with options. Which Linux version, picked Ubuntu because why not? Did the download and could not find a USB stick at home that’s bigger than 2gb. Tried installing on a hard drive in my pc didn’t work. Gave up after that.
Absolutely, and besides if he really wanted to show dominance he should have caught the fish with the bare hands.