• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2024


  • TLDR: carbon capture is a technology we should use after we stopped polluting to fix the earth.

    Yeah, it would just give people a blank check to use more fossil fuels. It is kinda like a diabetic person who acquired the disease later in life, and still not adjusting their lifestyle because drugs mitigate the effects anyhow. And the person will keep eating unhealthy food or not exercising.

  • If you learn more about the effects of alcohol, it is arguably as bad as, if not worse than, cigarettes or marijuana. Ethanol is literally poison that damages liver, and it impedes with the electrical signals between brain cells. The Temperance movement had a point to ban alcohol.

    The only reason we are not going to ban alcohol again, is because banning it had proven to have more dire consequences. Gangsters took monopoly of the black market. And tainting black market alcohol to deter people from drinking alcohol is dangerous, just as bootleggers also made their own alcohol but the process is unregulated.

  • They are not closeted Republicans, these NIMBY/centrist liberals are liberals in the original definition of the word. Socially progressive but economically conservative. If you put the Democrats and these centrists in Europe, they are a lot more closer to the German conservative CDU and neoliberal French president Macron. Their policies are not friendly to the broader working and middle class.

    So with all that said, why would people vote for Democrats who only give breadcrumbs, instead of doubling down on building affordable housing; raising minimum wage; and implementing Medicare-for-all? In the midst of growing wealth inequality, all the Democrats could say is: “I am not my opponent”.

    The American people are going right, only because there is no actual effective left wing progressives in power, because they are being sidelined by centrist/NIMBY liberals and the Democratic Party itself, who are beholden to the all mighty dollar.

  • To be fair, ever since Hillary Clinton paid off DNC debt, the Democratic party turned right and deliberately sidelined more popular left leaning politicians like Sanders and AOC.

    The voters are as much to blame but in the way you think. Who are the ones who keep voting down building more affordable housing in solid blue states like California and New York? The same self-proclaimed “progressives” who claim to feel bad for the homeless, are the same ones who will object to building more affordable housing because it will bring down their property value. At the end of the day, it is about the bottomline for many people. If you have watched Squid Game, that is the point the show makes. If given enough financial incentive, a good person could turn bad.

  • Yes, thank you. This is what I have been saying for a long time. But I came across so many temporarily embarassed millionaires and workbros who rub it in how they are going to be more successful than I am. I just cringe because I just want a simple life and don’t have to worry much about money. Some people can’t understand what humble means.

  • At the senior level its so important to get a candidate that actually knows what they claim because the consequences of finding out they don’t on the job are too great. This is where we reach into our networks so that any candidate comes with word-of-mouth recommendation from someone we trust.

    I never thought about this but yes, this is why networking is super important. It is said that about 91% of hirings are through network. And speaking from practical experience, I can corroborate that most of my jobs had been from connections. I distinctly remember my first proper job in my field, and it was through happenstance bumping into an old friend who recommended me to apply for a role in his previous company. I think I would not have gotten that job which served as a great foundation for my career, had I not met him and did not mention to recruiters about him.