He’s not a good boy or a big teddy bear, those things are dangerous and we shouldn’t be letting people buy them
He’s not a good boy or a big teddy bear, those things are dangerous and we shouldn’t be letting people buy them
Cyclist-years is a unit that has served us well for generations
Yes, of course you’re right. How could I forget last year when he won the free, fair, legitimate elections by getting the most votes? Silly me!
No, god, please, no
The shots are coming from inside the car!
You know it’s really over when a leader with the legitimacy and moral authority of Nicolas Maduro is criticizing you.
Yours is more likely, mine is more fun
Alright so hear me out you guys, what if the whole thing was just a long-running prank? Nobody actually believes the earth is flat, but the Flat Earth Society is like the mafia - once you’re in, you’re in for life. And they have a Fight Club sign right at the entrance to the clubhouse so everybody knows they have to play it cool when outsiders are around.
Actually murder is a good thing if the victim is unpopular
We salute you
It started its life as a tool to track the contents of promotional SKU’s, but different stakeholders kept adding increasingly complicated logic until it all depended on huge array formulas and VBA, and a recalculation took 1, then 2, then 5, then 15, then 30 minutes on a laptop, at which point we abandoned the whole thing and everyone went back to keeping track of their own piece manually.
I would pull that lever so fucking hard. That amount of responsibility would basically take over and ruin my life, even if they never caught me
There are dozens of us
Fair enough, you might like a Proof of Stake coin like Ethereum more
People will use whichever tool is available to them in order to oppress others, Islam isn’t special
X-Com, baby 😎 It would be just like Edge of Tomorrow
All of that just sounded like ‘dumb stuff that sells books these days’ but I can definitely see where you’re coming from
That depends mostly on their size, as size is reduced mass decreases faster than drag. Smaller birdshot is no longer dangerous after a couple hundred yards while large rifle bullets can kill even after traveling several miles.
Why would America do this?