No idea. I still wonder sometimes where the disconnect was, but I also just try to not let things like that get to me anymore. I’m having mixed success
At the time I was 22 and didn’t have a firm grasp on the idea I could tell someone being rude to go fuck themselves. It was just a bunch of old folks pining for the glory days of national pride and dysentery, but like, fuck. Snuff out a curious light like that.
I went to a panel presentation on the early colonies around the Revolution once. When they took questions, I asked if there was any special logistical problems Virginia ran into after due to how large the territory was and man, they treated me like a fuckin idiot. I still think about that. It’s not, like, important or anything I just don’t have a therapist for this sort of shit
They’re actually just human portions of a hot dog for titans. You ever see one of those mother fuckers? You don’t carry a three foot hotdog as thick as your leg, you wield it.
Note taped to the door: DO NOT use microwave cat is in time out
Are you sure your friend isn’t just three beavers in a long coat?
Torx should be the default over Phillips for sure. Phillips is fine for shit like access panels or screw terminals. Slotted is useless for anything but the adjustment on pots and thermostats. Robertson is just a proto-torx. Everything else either exists to make someone money or is a bolt
The reference mouse is oversized
No one gives Tina Tumble credit for starting the whole upside-down-then-not movement
Some of y’all out here thinking you looked cool in JNCOs, suckin’ on a pacifier attached to your Tamagotchi
Y’all motherfuckers wanted a strong, traditional candy, now we’re gonna get a Tianamandm Square
Between him, This Old Tony, Electroboom, Big Clive, and Cody’s Lab, I’ve learned to fuck up in the most spectacularly well-thought-out ways
I incorporated in Funkytown so disputes would go to their chancery court. The judge is an anthropomorphic hundred dollar bill wearing sunglasses. It was a no-brainer
It’s actually just a German superette. Bit of a red herring
It was a thread on a joke I made, so I didn’t wanna seem like I was trying to make folks watch me jerk off by including it
This is what happens when you beat a round of solichair
I think you’re on the nose, here. I laughed at the headline, but the more I read the more I see how fucked they are. Airlines. Industrial plants. Fucking governments. This one is big in a way that will likely get used as a case study.