I got carried away
I have a big ass square pillow that I can fold over at my own leasure
It’s literally true though. There’s so much minimalism themed shit on amazon and the likes that you can buy to “de clutter” your life. Not that they invented it but it’s certainly been commodified.
And on that bombshell
Ngl I think they’re kinda cute. If I see one I pick it up, put it outside and wash my hands. Only one “visit” has turned into an infestation so far but that time I had to exterminate them with poison and an air gun. It still weighs on me.
Then you’ll also love internetfuneral
I’ve never seen this but it feels at least 10 years old
German children’s magazine. “Bussi bear”.
Help I have two of these things stuck in my throat
Does anyone else smell burnt toast?
As a German I’m inclined to agree
Small enough for insertion even
They’re also the most brittle which I think is a reason for their dissapearance
Bringus mentioned let’s go
I think about this image every morning
But you can call her the Fediverse Chick
That’s interesting. Here the AfD just cut the middleman and fulfills both roles.