Good thing I’m sticking with GDScript.
Founder and lead developer at Overclocked Abacus Games
Good thing I’m sticking with GDScript.
A derivative of Minix.
Or at least that’s what Microsoft’s lawyers said.
Yeah, I think he’s the Fourth Physician.
Still a better love story than…
Actually, no, it’s not.
The anthem itself is bilingual. Singing it in French is every bit as appropriate as singing it in English.
Yeah, the only people who aren’t united against Trump are Americans.
I shit on 'em both.
Just make sure you do it at night.
Your sound card works perfectly.
Port 220. IRQ 5. DMA 1.
We’ve got a housing shortage, so if we open the door to American refugees we’re going to need a lot of construction workers.
Better get some cold water ready.
Yggdrasil. Rebecca Black. Linspire. Mandriva.
If you’re American, your potash is about to be severely tariffed.
At least that would prevent people from confusing it with the state.