Non native English speaker. When I was a kid I thought he said hotel room not old town road for a while. And I didn’t even think it was meant sexualy but just some weird lyrics I didn’t get.
Non native English speaker. When I was a kid I thought he said hotel room not old town road for a while. And I didn’t even think it was meant sexualy but just some weird lyrics I didn’t get.
Black and white I geht. But Brown an magenta?
“In two months time we will have pressed Hitler so hard into a corner, that he will squeak!” - Franz von Papen (Centre party) 1933 In “The last Resort. About the appointment of Hitler as Chancellor”
Hawks eat meat cause they have to. WE eat meat cause it’s delicious. The Hawks dies if there are too many Hawks in one feeding ground. The human fucks up his and everyone elses Habitat for centurys cause he’s too lazy to change.
Also in germany in my experience. It often but not exclusively comes up when people talk about the history of the formation of Israel. And also to differentiate between Jews that think there should be a Jewish state and those that think there shouldn’t.
I can. It’s very doable. And I think she wouldn’t want to be sexulized all the time
How do they not bonk their noses?
It’s just one woman. She doesn’t represent whatever “they” you are refering to because there are a lot more women who don’t take this path.
What’s the furthest you’ve been from the Washington Obelisk before the FBI caught you again?
It depends on the region though.
or join the dark side like me.
They are the sword of the peasant. Cheaper, easier to use and better in large formations.
Beeing outside in the dark. Not in the streetlamp dark but the forest dark. If you can’t see anything then nothing can see you. It’s like a blanket that covers everyones eyes.
World politics would become more complicated. This could lead to more wars and nationalism
Mexiko and Canada would have a bigger coastline
Oh, didn’t even think oft that
What is the name of the contraption on the left? Looks like a perperpetual motion machine but I’d like to learn more about it.