Ah yes, the famously communist Russian Federation. The RF is nakedly an imperial fascist regime that doesn’t even have communist window dressing, it boggles the mind that self-proclaimed communists and anti-imperialists support them.

  • @conditional_soup@lemm.ee
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • It is definitely more successful than the previous strategy in one of the ancestors was (or else it wouldn’t have been selected for), and mutations that reduce the dementia and allow for more reproductive cycles seen to negatively influence reproduction in either fitness or number of the offspring or chance of successful reproduction, so the trait persists.

    Since this is a numbers game, even miniscule differences in reproductive success (which isn’t clearly measurable in the wild) have a large impact on genetic drift.

    Since the origin of the current behavior lies in the past, it might not be possible to see what evolutionary pressure induced the behavior in the first place.

  • @mudman@fedia.io

    there is one company (paragon software) that sells ext2/3/4 (full access) and btrfs/xfs (read access only) drivers for windows, which worked pretty good for me, and they have a demo version for 7 days. price for consumer licences are about 30€. i didn’t try putting my steam library there tho, so your milage may vary.

    But i would recommend what i did a few monhst ago: after 3 days with nobara 40 i just deleted my windows and the few programs that don’t work under linux now live in a VM; my mouse/keyboard software for creating macros only works under windows, but the profiles themselves are stored on the devices so they still work under linux.

    I just love the BTRFS features like deduplication - its great for modding large games, saves huge amounts of disk space, and the merging of disks into a single drive in raid0 configuration is super easy and has great performance. NTFS feels just slow and sluggish in comparison.

  • Those 3% are not cases of “you might get it if unlucky”, but cases of “failed to generate an strong enough immune response which leads to the formation of T-Memory Cells”. So if you are in those “3%”, the outcome of infection will be the same as in a person who is not vaccinated. That’s one more reason why everyone who can should get the vaccine - to protect those who got the vaccine and are still vulnerable.

    The targeted immune system takes a few days to create the right antibodies for a specific target, because antibodies are not made-to-fit, they are generated randomly until something sticks (quite literally). Those days are the difference between “virus infection gets crushed instantly” and “virus has enough time to replicate in unmanageable numbers”. If you have Memory Cells, the immune system can “fast-forward” and can just skip to the fun part.

  • Yeah, measles are fucking dangerous. They enter through the lungs (or sometimes the eyes), infect cells there and get replicated. They then get scooped up by immune cells called macrophages (part of the generalized immune system, which can react instantly, but can only deal with the “easy” stuff).

    Normally this destroys the virus and parts of the pathogen get then transported into the lymph nodes as samples to produce antibodies against (which are needed as targets for the adaptive immune system) . Instead measles jump out of the macrophages and infect the T-cells (one of those 7 types of T-cells are the memory cells, which are “veterans” of previous infections and get reactivated when the same virus pops up again, instantly providing the info which antibody is needed).

    The memory cells get wrecked, and with that any immunities you had before AND the ability to produce antibodies for anything. you are immunosuppressed for about 2 years.

    There was a study which linked a previous measles infection with about 90% of all illness-related child deaths in third world countries, and is suspected to have caused more deaths in the first world with the damage to the immune system than through measles themselves.

    also, if you are very unlucky, you can slowly die years after the measles infection, being sick for about 3 years - it’s called SSPE, and it has a 95% lethality rate, and the 5% normally have massive brain damage.

    i studied molecular biology (and had to abort my studies about 2 semesters before getting my Bachelor), and the virology courses were fascinating and horrifying at the same time. antivaxxers are uninformed, stupid people, and deserve to experience the same suffering they cause in their children and in society in general.