Wish I could. Evil superpowers scare the shit out of me.
Good point. Would LOL if it was not so terrifying.
Looking into history to determine which territory should belong to which country is such a bullshit.
Russia has the US on their side now, so no need to worry.
Putin helped him to get in the position he’s in. It’s a long-term mutually beneficial relationship. No need for P-tapes - who cares about those nowadays? His base?
We do know for certain, we know Putin’s plans, he’s not exactly keeping them secret. In this new situation that is more positive for him, he has no reason to suddenly choose not to continue.
Despite many commenters saying cats are not social, in reality cats were proven to socialize a lot. It is also true that they’re territorial and that can matter more if they’re not neutred (I recomend spaying all your cats for many reasons).
Your cat can benefit a lot from the presence of a fellow feline. If you decide to get a second one, you should be prepared for a transitional period of helping the cats to get used to each other. As someone else described already, it’s good to separate them first and let them get to know each other in phases. It’s good to have enough hiding places for them and safe corridors.
You will also need to give both cats more attention in the beginning and even after they start to befriend each other and play, it’s good to check whether they don’t attack each other too one-sidedly or just generaly too much - in that case you need to play with them more yourself.
In my experience it’s really worth it, 2 cats > 1 cat.
Oh, I forgot to add: your kitty is a beauty!
US is still a superpower.
In the US, there seems to be little understanding of the situation in Europe, which can create false hope. Europe is dealing with the same shit as the US, it’s just way behind. But it’s going the same direction.
Also, Europe is not enough of a united entity. There are still national states, it’s easy to stir up nationalistic moods. And in many European countries, pro-billionaire populists and far-right parties are getting to power.
I wouldn’t say there’s no hope at all, but let’s look at the real situation.
Europe is not united enough. Lot’s of states deal with their own rise of fascism. It’s depressing.
The reality is that the EU states are falling out.
It’s one of your last… sounds like a threat.
Botanist, no research now, though, mainy education. It’s pure fun.
I’m in this pick. Wasn’t able to keep anything in me today, I’m surviving by eating sugar and drinking black tea. Can’t wait for the water to boil standing up - have to curl myself up on the floor meanwhile 😅 Lots of gastric flue all around here. From what I saw, I should be a bit better tomorrow.
I understand the metaphor, but I’d like to point out just how ugly the happy moment bit of road looks compared to the more natural state of the rest of the life road. Perhaps it’s time to walk your life instead of driving it ;)
We were not discussing whether it works.