We got no troubles life is da bubbles
I haven’t needed an illegal stream in a minute but any fav sites these days that is relatively free of malware?
Exactly what came to mind thanks
Be nice to have something to replace my Nvidia shield pro with that’s not an apple tv. Looking forward to seeing how the new streaming device compares
Surprised to see the correct answer so far down the list 😔
Look at that horrible child abuse! /s
I mean, this one isn’t a hallucination
I still remember fighting grunts in the original half life for the first time and being blown away. Your work makes games great!
Lowkey would love those beakers
Wtf brings a puppy to a physics exam
Doesn’t seem so bad, if you don’t want the price hike just change your plan to not include audiobooks. A little scummy that you need to opt out but not the worst.
I generally agree with you, but if you have a moment, go check out the comments to this one song. I dunno what weird human resonance it hit but all the comments are incredibly sweet and endearing even at 55m views https://youtu.be/tSv04ylc6To?si=0SNNfvvsI2aBFnWa
Removing snow days is a national tragedy. Don’t compound it by forcing kids to do some half assed remote learning when they should be having fun in the snow
Huurrr durrr so edgy and cool
I was just talking with a friend about why people trust signal so much and this article is a wonderful example of why
Agreed, never use TikTok so I never realized but the angle on sales vs advertising is really interesting.