Depending on how old and what graphics card you have.
Depending on how old and what graphics card you have.
I heard blender runs significantly better on linux.
It can be both. Maybe nurse_robot knows something.
Donald is a traitor.
So we get a gem fused to aluminium. Cool
Where we run in to issues like is: user has gnome installed and wants to turn on file sharing, goes to the menu and serches for it, flips webdav on. Then they can’t figure out that you need to install some packages for it to work, they get frustrated and gives up. Then they decide they need to connect their bluetooth headphones. They flip the bluetooth button. The button just springs back off. They have no idea they need to enable a background service for it to function. These are the type of issues the normal user gets mad at. Things they expect to work, but requires their tech support friend to help them.
The goal with software like windows is to eventualy take away all control. If you can run unaproved software, you can’t even join the teams call. Then you will see stuff like this.
There is no requirement to form a long term romantic relationship. Spend time doing things you like with people you like. It seems to me like you are interracting with plenty of women. Any of these interested in sitting down and playing some games with you? If you like that sort of thing. Try making a friend before you consider romantic relationship. I have no idea if this is helpful or not. Just my random thoughts on the matter.
Yep, donald thinks himself smert. Putin thinks he is a useful dumbass.
When i see a monitor having network hardware built in, on the spec sheet, i get very suspicious.
Dynamic DNS or static IP. Whatever is convenient for you. If humans are connecting, it is generally prefered to type in a domain name, rather than an IP address.
Syncthing has been discontinued for android. Or so I heard.
Governments and ISPs should not be allowed to block anything. Deliver my packets and don’t meddle with them. Giving them that power will lead to abuse.
I think his school teachers, diagnosing him as retarded, were spot on.
What is pushing users to switch to this, previously unheard of, app?
The world would be a better place if locked bootloaders were not a thing. I agree that there needs to be laws in place to prevent the sale of these devices.
i disabled the animations on my old tablet just now. Very nice!
If you like each other and you share most values, there is your partner. If your partner is good looking as well; great for you guys!
America has fox news. Legaly not a news channel, but an entertainment channel. They argue that you are not suposed to take them seriously. But their viewers don’t know that. Half the country takes whatever is said dead seriously.