Hmmm, on the other hand, he’s a fragile man child with a gun, and historically that goes bad for people with my complexion.
Hmmm, on the other hand, he’s a fragile man child with a gun, and historically that goes bad for people with my complexion.
Yeah, but if you want more people to talk about it with you should link it anyway, so others can try it out.
Made em side by side for me
Sync is clie nt
My intent was not to actually complain too much about Socrates, but just use him as a more tolerable example. I generally agree with your opinion on who was in the wrong there, but part of my consideration was the reports that they knew he could flee and supposedly were OK with that, but he decided to stay on principle. Also the joke he made about them treating him like a hero for his punishment, probably not quite in good taste given the circumstances.
That aside, while I do agree with your last statement, there have also always been conmen, fame seekers, and less influential but more… annoying people throughout history, especially if they had nepotism or class differences in their side.
Eh, bards and other old actor types are kinda similar. They’re doing public actions for fame and money. Wasn’t Socrates also considered an asshole? Not that I’m equating these influencers to philosophers, but at the time the people considered him to be mocking their culture (religion). Not nearly as bad as mocking tragedies, but the idea of living off of attention, including being a troll, isn’t new. It just usually resulted in much harsher consequences than the modern day, and usually paid less.
I can’t tell my hours, because I left it open while doing other stuff, and overnight etc. Same with Ark. Both have 8k+ hourly, but FFXIV has more (but isn’t in steam for me).
For some reason on my client, it can’t remove the spoiler (gives a network error). I’m assuming it says that since the ball has more mass, it has a higher attraction rate of its own gravity to Earth’s, so does fall faster in a vacuum but so miniscule it would be hard to measure?
Doesn’t taskkill /force also do so for the most part? Except maybe a system protected service or something. Haven’t tried it on those.
Oz is a Doctor, and was a very good one who got corrupted in his aim for fame and fortune. Part of his tragedy is that if he’d shut up and just do his actual doctor work only he’d be a benefit to society, not the detriment he is now. It’s important to know that he’s worse because he had actual skill as a heart surgeon. Quoting wiki:
In 1982, he received his undergraduate degree in biology magna cum laude[3] at Harvard University.[31] … In 1986, he obtained MD and MBA degrees from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine[30] and Penn’s Wharton School.[34][35]
Edit: also, as far as I can tell, still performing heart surgeries, so should still be licensed. Still a piece of shit who should stick to surgeries. Lots of people good at 1 thing think they’re geniuses at everything.
The US always tries to do what they think others are doing. Half of their crazy ideas are because they heard a rumor and/or assumed the Soviets were doing it. Mind control, truth serums, ESP, cat spies.
Haha, I was worried there were some obscure deaths I didn’t know about.
The triangle is HUGE, and due to where it covers, a lot of shipping went through it, and still does iirc… Saying its dangerous because ships wrecked there often isn’t that far off from calling Earth dangerous since every human has died there. It’s a true statement, I suppose, but the context helps understand it’s not a very reasonable one.
So finally Have You Checked Your Butthole is the actual correct answer?
Theres a CGPGrey video that describes old techniques. It’s not quite up to date on some of its predictions, but it is how some machine learning works. Of course, it doesn’t discuss current proprietary techniques, because those are company secrets. Still, it’s as good a guess we’ll likely get, unless something radically different has been invented:
There is also a second video about more modern stuff, but it’s more a footnote:
I don’t like chocolate that much, but if I do have it, dark all the way. The less sweet the better. I’m sure I have some limit, like 90% probably too much, but I definitely like less sweet.
Sure, but a big business doing large volume would care less. They generally already order with the built in assumption that even if the amount is correct, not every single one would be usable. At certain costs/products this may require accurate counts (like say docking stations) but with other certain things, including some foodstuffs and of course much cheaper supplies (like say disposable straws or chopsticks) they wouldn’t even bother to count to make sure they got 10000 straws this order instead of 9995 straws. The amount of money paying someone to coun that to be sure would be more than the missing straws worth, unless you suspected your supplier was shorting you on purpose.
If you need more specifics, then generally the smart thing to do is find a machine that already counts more accurately than a human, like change/bill counters, or other counting machines. Generally isn’t worth it to have any employee count large numbers regularly.
I’ve definitely counted paper the same way. Basically needed to sort short pieces of paper by the thousands. We weighed something like 20-25 sheets then used that weight as a measurement.
If you need a perfect count, then you’re correct about the accuracy, but generally a few off here and there isn’t that big a deal. Many companies will allow for some error because it isn’t worth the time to track it down to perfection. This applies even to food standards: the FDA allows up to 60 insect parts per 100g of chocolate (coffee, the cutoff is “Average 10% or more by count are insect-infested or insect-damaged”). They also allow mold up to a certain %. 4% for coffee, and I’m seeing some say 10% for certain fruits. You can see lists here:
Perfection is expensive, cheat a little. Your boss may have been annoying, but in general he’s more correct than you were.
While I agree on him, some people do grey early. I started around 15 or so, and my father around 13. I still think some of his other features make him seem older as well though, like the eyebrows you mentioned.
A lot of people take humor as fact, either by not understanding it as satire or by thinking it’s funny because it’s true etc. So while a bit of a party pooper, I don’t think some light correction is all that harmful.