I have to know - was this in Knoxville?
And Ada
Hah, did you see the lizard with that name here?
Oh my GOODNESS I want a Lumatone so badly! I thought I had invented isomorphic keyboards one day in the shower, but when I searched my idea up I learned that people have been clever long before me
Eyyy, Minus the Bear!! I’ve always loved the P.O.S redo of Drilling, takes me right back to myspace :)
Had the strangest sensation while listening to this. Right at 56s I was hit with the taste of watermelon taffy. No clue why
I really like this! Thank you! I’m surprised it’s from 1990
Hey thanks for the suggestion! I really dig that song!
I think TTRRUUCES - Sensations of Cool (youtube links incoming) hits this prompt pretty perfectly, especially the dream-like quality of the video
Same for Jon Worthy - Please Tell Me
A few more that are close but not quite perfect:
Hiatus Kaiyote - And We Go Gentle
I’m looking forward to listening to the other suggestions, I’ve listened to a few of them and so far they’ve been great!
That’s a dang good cat. Sorry your day’s going poorly, OP. You made my day a little brighter with this photo though :) Thank you
Hah! I use my mf01s every night when I go to bed. I turn on candle mode, give it a timer, and drift to sleep. It’s an incredibly expensive night light but I love it
thebestdinosaur.com Irrefutable logic
Woah, you’re on OG! I’m unfamiliar with a lot of those things and had to look them up. Crazy!
Hah! ISE - I used that for a hot second, and you still see tutorials using it as well.
My goodness, tell me about it, I’m new and I already find myself frustrated with Xilinx sometimes. It feels like there are very few resources from them for learning, but I thought that was just because it’s a niche subject. I’ll have to take a look at Efinix. I guess I thought it was safer to stick to the biggest name while I’m trying to get established. At the moment I’m trying to get some example projects working on a Zybo Z7. I’m finding out that it’s a lot to take in
Thanks for taking the time to reply! I feel strangely honored to hear from such an OG :) Cheers!
Hey! Can I ask you about that? What type of chips? What are your most used skills/technologies and what helped get started when you were new? I want to work with fpgas, and I’d love to know what your experience with that has been like
I had a similar experience, Op. I was in traffic as it crawled by an accident, and I saw a man giving violent chest compressions to another man in the street. The motocycle was nearby, smashed. I learned later that he passed right there. 21 years old.
The same question you have nagged at me - did I witness the moment he passed? I spent time looking at the text I sent before I started driving, calculating when I would have driven by, comparing it to when first responders said they got there.
I’ve decided it doesn’t matter if I was there to see his death. A man died. His name was Miles. I found news reports about him later, and he seemed like a good guy. A firefighter. Well liked. That’s what matters.
Those are my two favorites! You had climbing in school? I’m envious! What did that look like? Your school had a wall?
Thank you for showing me this
Sounds good to me! I could listen to this voice in podcast form no problem
I had never heard of him, thank you for showing me this
That was hard to read but I’m glad I did. It’s obvious you loved him very much. I’m so sorry, OP