Yes, I Bio, every day, multiple times / day. Isn’t it natural?
I also #code aka do #programming for a living.
Languages #golang on the backend.
#vue on the front. But also #svelte.
I like the #monolith, I’m not a fan of #microservices or #eventdriven architecture, without a good reason.
I used to #DJ and organize #parties.
I like to #walk. I don’t drive or own a car.
I’m a #saggittarius, FWIW.
What else?

I speak, write and understand
#German, #English, #SerboCroatian.

My not so serious tech and general purpose blog is the
activitypub enabled or just https://blog.icod de/

I run
and a few others.

Sometimes I stream on Twitch.

I’m usually calm unless provoked, which seems to happen on a daily basis here on the fediverse, or as I call it, the Fagiverse, because of the prevalent presence of LGBT people, which I have no interest of meeting or socializing with or even reading their mental exhaust, not meant in a hateful way.
Agree to disagree, leave me alone and I will leave you alone. Or else.

I like peace and I’m against the US world domination agenda. Diversity is great.
I support democracy, not this joke of an EU, which’s base is undemocratic and which is drifting progressively into into a totalitarian surveillance and censorship shitshow.

If you have rainbow or pride flags in your name, aka you signal your sexual orientation or if you have the Ukraine flag in your name or profile, I will block you.
It means your IQ is below what I find acceptable or you have a state of mind I don’t want to come in touch with.

If you come off as passive aggressive, or treat me in a down putting manner, I will block you, possibly also cuss you out.

If you report me for something I wrote, I will block you and ban the reporting instance.

I like truth. Truth entails both positive and negative facts. They may be facts I don’t like, but if they’re true, it is what it is.
If I say something negative about something you like, if that’s the truth however, that doesn’t mean I attacked you.

Too many stupid and affectionate people on this planet.

In general, drive my blood pressure up, get blocked. Before posting an emotionally driven response to something I wrote, think twice.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 6th, 2024
