“How to do X on Y?” “Why would you ever want to do X? Do Z instead!”
“How to do X on Y?” “Why would you ever want to do X? Do Z instead!”
I can code pretty well. I’m a qa tester. Complaining about videogames is my mostprechious pasttime
Well… Driving a tesla, letting the autopilot do the work, showing off the amazing acceleration and using the karaoke function while driving when it explicitly tells you as you start it up that you shouldn’t use it as the driver.
My mate is usually so sound of mind and an absolute delight to be around. But i just don’t like driving in his tesla.
apt install funbox funbox not found apt install fun-box fun-box not found apt install openfunbox openfunbox not found Google openfunbox “use apt install open-funboxxx”
Oh hell yeah uplink. The first game i ever went online for. Wasnt even my native language
Qual coming at Frieren like…
Ready Player One
The cringe is massive with that one.
Well my legs are surely fine
Oh just my thing.
I have a lot of these on my shortlist. More series and even way more videogames
What game is it?
Right now trying out Arch to get rid of my windows machine. It still has a lot of quirks but its fine so far. Most alarmingly i still have to find out how to make it use my grapics card properly.
Summer Wars. And it still tears me up.
Game: The Outer Wilds and its DLC. Also Undertale as close second Movie: Summer Wars. Redline close second. Tv Show: Frieren - After journeys end
Yes, once. I was incredibly heartbroken and confused for three days. It sparked me going onto dating apps. Where i found my dream wife.
I think this image would work perfectly fine without the second line and just the picture
Well… I got my car, i got my workshop, lets explore that zone, I’ll be fine!
Can someone explain why? Is there a religous base for this? Or is there another reason?
Its not a blessing, ITS A CURSE
Oh hey i just discovered my lemmy app has notifications.
Uhm maybe “Hoity Toity” aka “Adel verpflichtet” in my native language and the name Tom Vasel prefers?
Hawaii toast with mustard.
It goes toast (preferably whole grain) -> large heap of mustard -> ham -> pineapple -> salt -> gouda
I have only ever heard my mom eating it that way but have since co verted a few people.