• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • I’ve lived in and worked at a number of co-ops. I think they’re far better for the employee than traditional businesses when implemented in a democratic way. Having control over the workplace and direction of the business is incredibly valuable. It’s also important that the co-op members talk to and know eachother. Having lots of meetings and community building is very typical in this type of business.

    Also the type of co-op I’m talking about also returns excess profits to the workers (often with a portion taken out to be put back into the business/saved for a rainy day). In this way they are way better than unions, which no matter how powerful do not fully redistribute profits.

    I also think worker co-ops are functionally better than worker communes. Co-ops give much more economic freedom to the workers, and side step many of the pitfalls of live/work communes.

    Feel free to ask me more about my experiences if you’re curious :)

  • Hey I just wanted to say I empathize with how stressful this situation must be for all of you & i can see that you all had good intentions at heart when doing this. Everybody makes mistakes & I feel bad about how much venom you guys have gotten. Yes the community should have been consulted, but also you’re just people and no one is perfect.

    I hope you all are staying healthy & aren’t letting this get to you too much 💜

  • I want to talk about writing 2k7 instead of 2007. It does save a character, but I also had to read it 3 times to understand lol but that might be a me problem

    Also: do you only do that for 2000-2009, or do you write 2k25?

    Also, Also: hope this doesn’t come across as rude. Ive never seen it written that way & find it interesting and a little funny.

    Also, also, also: I think it’s sweet you helped your mom upgrade her computer so she could play WoW more effectively.

  • It’s locked so I would have to verify it in order to do any kind of resetting passwords and stuff. Which requires uploading photo id and a video of my face. I don’t really want to do all that, so I’m hoping that it being locked is enough to keep it from being used by hackers.

    I honestly just stopped using it so long ago & hadn’t even thought about the account until my sister told me it got hacked. I don’t care about having access to it, I just want it to be effectively useless lol