Different languages? Or just redoing it for the sake of redoing it?
If anyone has a GUI version, I’d kill hours on it TBH
Different languages? Or just redoing it for the sake of redoing it?
If anyone has a GUI version, I’d kill hours on it TBH
7 was a stand in for a single digit numbet… didn’t realize it was that low. Yikes
My brain went “Firefox has what 7% market share? What’s 50% of that?? Actually, that probably is 4x the ‘Fediverse’ user total right there”
My mind boggles. Also, I’m curious to have a listen. 👀
Also, 99 😱
I read he and they has “variables” in the programming sense. Not the “h” “e” sense
It just the other guy is a giant
It’s a meme, but it’s also a banger
Shh. Enjoy the meme.
(but yes)
Anything over 190 is just fine for me.
Assembly is probably the closest thing to magic humans have ever created.
(I’m disqualifying String/Quantum as they are “theories” and not in common use)
If you go far enough, everything is.
But SVGs are one of the few image types that can be human readable and editable
I’m going from Ubuntu 16 or so (took a break since then). The flexibility/customization/wikis of arch make it better IMO
I’ve daily drivered arch for a couple months now. Only a few time have I not searched and found a wiki/forum with the precise error/comment and a solution/fix for the problem.
It’s almost literally insane.
I always think of my additions as like warts or cancerous growths…
C is almost the old “steady” standard now it feels like. It’s so flexible and the frameworks are already built…