I couldn’t find anything like this other than very expensive portable options last time I checked, and unfortunately Android Tablets are surprisingly hard to use for the purpose.
I couldn’t find anything like this other than very expensive portable options last time I checked, and unfortunately Android Tablets are surprisingly hard to use for the purpose.
In some places Messenger is the default communications platform, more so than SMS or WhatsApp or iMessage or whathaveyou.
Yeah, that’s my #1 reason to not use it. I’ve got a long list of reasons to dislike OneNote, but that’s the big one.
They’ve also done it with Halo and Fortnite that I’ve seen.
“promotions” telling me to play a certain game on stream in discord (and get some cosmetic item for it) are ads for that game. I don’t have a screenshot of it on hand, unfortunately.
without ads.
only if you have a very strict definition of Ad
If the claims in the article are true and can scale, that’s actually a really cool technology.
Some people with early access have been playing on computers below the reccomended specs and been okay. Teddy Radko has a 3060 and i7-4770 and is getting good enough performance.
People on reddit are absolutely losing their minds over the lack of steam workshop support, but if Paradox wants stuff to be available to console users and all PC users, it’s really the only option.
My concern is how it’ll interact with Steam Proton on Linux, and just generally if their mods platform will be any good.
Bad experience overall - slow and laggy. We did two lessons on it for a course and then swapped to something else (I forget what)
If you’re using Windows, then get PowerToys, it has FancyZones for customisable window snapping. The closest thing I’ve found on Linux is gTile.
I do have experience using it, and it’s not worth looking at BigBlueButton.
A 120hz or 144hz (reasonably common) monitor could do 24FPS with no issues, as that’s either every 5th or every 6th frame exactly.
that’s a lot more money for a smaller screen, though. 32" is a big monitor sitting in front of a desk, but a small TV if you’re on a couch.
Still possible, but why would that be useful to anyone?
Among other intriguing items on the agenda for the division are plans to adapt video games from Annapurna Interactive, the gaming branch of the indie studio
I wonder what else they could adapt? I don’t think Outer Wilds would ever work as a movie, and that’s the first Annapurna-published title I can think of.
They took it over after Disney cancelled it and closed the studio that was making it.
Depending on the use case something like Obsidian, free commercial software but not telemetry-filled and bloated, might be worth using.
A good article, a lot of those advantages I wasn’t aware of! I think DisplayPort unfairly got a bad rap as “oh, I have to buy another cable now” when it was new, but it’s obviously the better choice now. Although I still hate DisplayPort’s latching, makes it so hard to unplug cables in tight spaces. I’d rather old-style screws than the latch on all the DP cables I’ve used.
It’s barely a hero shooter - it’s just a MOBA