til there’s something related connecting the two: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_number_mapping
til there’s something related connecting the two: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_number_mapping
that’s why I always say “idk”
Btw might be a good idea to clean its fans and air vents, especially if it gets hot and/or slow fast
why sinks are more practical
opengl perf is ok on linux, but vulkan is somehow much better on their windows drivers (for now)
god bless Digital Restrictions Management
for the Laptop 13 they released a slightly larger battery a while ago. i just guess it’s not too easy to get the best manufacturing and technology deals as such a small company
seeing 🙏 as a high five and not a praying gesture makes it even more harsh
what if the shooter wanted to do a nice thing for an underpaid worker and get them the reward for getting him caught?
holy mother of nerdy based
my ISP doesn’t even offer IPv6 ??
otoh if you’re lazy and not the best person, and if it’s too much of a hassle to carry around…
maybe it’s just not possible with the current (probably ancient to not break older devices) protocols
kid named finger
Private votes sounds pretty cool
this made me realize I should probably stop supporting a forum where anti-“woke” trolls are allowed. hopefully there’s a feedback forum when I unsubscribe