Goddamn I cant believe I have to explain this. Typing porn as pron or pr0n is funny because it connotates a rather transparent way of trying to hide your porn collection on a computer used by others/relatives. It in no way has anything to do with censoring. Stop getting faux outraged by every little non-thing. (he said outraged by a non-thing)
It’s for storing your DSs, obviously.
Not much of a consoling thought to me.
Why should I fear death? If I am, then death is not. If Death is, then I am not
Death will be, so we will cease to be. Sounds like he is was whistling past the graveyard with that quote…
gotta be ‘sanctions’, what do I win?
Is it because they have (gape and puckered) anuses?
Can I bum a cigarette off of one of you guys?
I don’t believe any of them. Sounds like they just want to feign outrage to seem interesting.
And they’re red, that means the offer is about to expire. Better act quick!
Red hat obviously.
Not your run of the mill ‘Russia throwing out windows’ news item…
I’m not angry, that’s in your mind. You seem to have a habit of linking things that shouldn’t be linked. Good day.
That has nothing to do with what I was answering to OP (who seems to have a difficult time translating ‘operating in’ to ‘being reachable from’), I don’t know why you are trying to debate (?) me on something else completely. Same goes for the www, I’ve never called it that.
(1) Agreed of course, but I don’t see much of an issue there. You try to get a 100% coverage on your blockade, but 99% will move twitter to compliance too. same goes for (2). As for (3), I’m not really sure why you directed that at me.
Somehow I interpreted your comment as this