Those are not female presenting nipples. Those are moobs if ever I’ve seen em.
Those are not female presenting nipples. Those are moobs if ever I’ve seen em.
I’m a software/data engineer, so for work I obviously use a computer all the time. I also have a very nice personal computer but it doesn’t get as much use anymore as it used to. I play the occasional game on it, use it for tracking our budget/finances and stuff once a month, manage my plex server, and do the occasional random task on it that requires things like typing or photo editing. But it’s not been getting a lot of attention since I finished school, even less since having my daughter. Also I have automated a lot of my tasks so that I don’t need to manage it as much.
My phone is my main device for most of my entertainment, web surfing, news reading, banking, etc. plus it keeps my todos/shopping lists, my wife and I’s shared calendar, my alarms, digital coupons for groceries, GPS… all of my regular day to day task helpers. Not to mention is takes and stores my photos, allows me to call and text people, and gives me mobile access to my cloud files and services. It’s definitely my primary device.
But I still love my desktop and wish I had more time to do my own work on it.
They’ll justify stuff like that by telling you they sold it to you at a discount price because the ads offset your costs. That’s what Amazon did with the cheap tablet I bought for my wife.
You don’t need to be allergic to advertisement to want avoid shit like this. The fucking audacity of companies these days. There is no place they won’t try to shove these damn things to the detriment of every product, service, and personal moment. If they could put screens under your eyelids you’d have to watch drug ads one blink at a time and your dreams would be sponsored by AT&T.
His impatient finger tapping would be pretty epic too.
People give the moron too much credit as a strategic manipulator. He’s not that coy. If he says something, it is because he has no filter and he was genuinely thinking it. His people might talk him out of it (or distract him away from it after the fact), or his aging addled mind wanders off to other things, and only then will it have been a “masterful ploy” to misdirect, or rile up the libs, or gain compliance through threats, etc. Every stupid and evil thing he has said aloud, he meant wholeheartedly at that moment. The problem is he may or may not decide to have follow through on it later, so you don’t know if you should react to it. But if he said something threatening, it is a threat. It isn’t necessarily a threat that will be acted upon. But it absolutely is still a meaningful and serious threat.
The tone deaf, imperialist rhetoric supporting Islamic ethnic cleansing from the commander of the world’s most powerful military and nation can radicalized people on matters of survival and principle to fight back with whatever means that they?! Color me shocked.
Who has the return of the crusades on their bingo cards?
Well they better be, because if a wheelchair bound person makes it down those stairs, they are going to be there for a while and may need to use the toilet.
Global science community once again held back by shitty xenophobic governments.
Our allies are sensible and question his stupidity. Our enemies are also sensible and so they applaud his stupidity, because they’re our enemies.
deep inhale … slow exhale Give me strength.
My suburb neighborhood is filled with walkers and it is super unsafe at night. They decided when they built it that they didn’t want to to create and maintain sidewalks and street lamps, so people always walk in the road and the only lights are the lamp posts at the end of people’s driveways. And almost nobody wears reflectives, or carries lights or anything on their person. Particularly when you’re blinded by an oncoming car’s lights, it’s nearly impossible to see people until you’re right up on them.
Someone in our sister office bought one for people to sample today. The one review I heard was that it wasn’t bad, like salted pumpkin spice. That makes sense because Skyline chili is not chili. I’ve been calling it pumpkin spice meat sauce for years.
Push him onto the pressure pad. Make it his fault.
Javascript Standards Team is such an Oxymoron.
Option 3 means that the Javascript standards team dies either way, right? Number 3. No hesitation.
That’s the logic he applied to covid testing.
Infinite options does not mean all options.
Right, as you said the natural numbers is an infinite set but it doesn’t contain fractional numbers between adjacent natural numbers. The set of natural numbers also doesn’t contain letters, or colors, or varieties of geese. You can even add other constraints to the set and still have an infinite set that contains even fewer possible values, like you could have the set of all natural numbers that don’t contain the digit 3.
People make the mistake of thinking that an infinite set of universes means that there is every conceivable version of a universe out there, but that’s not the case. Murphy’s law says that anything that can happen will happen, but that means things are still constrained by what can happen. Reality is constrained by consistent logic, the most basic of which is the identity law, p = p. It is a contradiction for both p and ~p to be true, a violation of reality. So if the multiverse is a reality, it is a single reality that is self consistent, meaning there is no Universe in the multiverse for which there doesn’t exist a multiverse.
Eh, they could very well have someone that wants to kill them. But it’s less likely that they have someone willing to take the risk of prison to do it though, or the knowledge of how to actually make a bomb