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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2024


  • Fuck him. First, he’ll do what we wants regardless of whether you concede to his demands. If we wants to withdraw troops, he’ll withdraw them, no matter what concessions you make to him in hopes of preventing that. Look at his history. Look at how he has treated the other party in Every. Single. One. of the “deals” that he’s made. He fucks them over. NEVER believe he’ll hold up his side of whatever bargain you make. He won’t.

    Don’t ever concede to this bully. The more you concede, the more demands he’ll make, like with a blackmailer. Call his bluff. Say, “Sorry, we don’t agree. If that means you’ll withdraw, then don’t let the screen door hit ya where the good lord split ya on the way out.” Bam! End of bullying and if he didn’t want to withdraw, he’ll find some excuse no to go through with it (or probably just lie and say you agreed to do something for him behind the scenes).

  • Seems a lot of comments are arguing about this as if it’s an all-or-nothing. I use a dumbphone (for many reasons), but even it allows me to configure DND settings to allow certain phone numbers to audibly ring or vibrate. Surely smartphones can do the same? I find being with someone whose phone is constantly making noises to be very irritating–and more so if they interrupt our conversation to check it every time.

    My not-so-dumb flip phone also has 3 indicator lights on the closed cover – red if battery is low, a green envelope if I have a message or other notification, and a blue phone if I’ve had a call (even those can be disabled). So I don’t have to touch it or do anything other than glance in its direction to know I have a message. “Smart” phones can do such simple things as this, can’t they?

  • Imagine pulling up to a red light, checking your GPS for directions, and suddenly, the entire screen is hijacked by an ad. That’s the reality for some Stellantis owners. Instead of seamless functionality, drivers are now forced to manually close out of ads just to access basic vehicle functions.

    Oh HELLLLL no. I hope my 2012 Subaru will last until I’m either dead or too old to drive. I don’t even want to have these damn screens for the usual shit you have to do on them. I want to be able to do everything with physical controls, no eavesdropping, and no dependence on a fucking app or touchscreen to operate anything in my car! I will drive my car while wearing mittens! shakes fist

  • An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

    There’s just one problem. Who will keep and who will break their oath? Obviously many have already broken it. If they think they’re keeping it, who will they consider to be the “domestic enemies”?

  • But he did shut it down. The office was cordoned off, the flag and signage removed, administrative employees placed on leave and overseas employees ordered to return home. Leaving massive amounts of food and medicine to spoil on ships.

    Yes, a judge has ordered a “pause” on the shutdown until a hearing takes place, but we haven’t seen them go back to work so far, since it’s Friday–we’ll see what happens Monday. Point is he’s going ahead and doing illegal things and daring someone to stop him. My concern is whether they’ll ignore court orders. Because it’s not like there’s a way to enforce them other than he chooses to comply.