Never heard about this person, 1/5 Stars.
Never heard about this person, 1/5 Stars.
I always run into the common problems with my plumbus, no further explanations needed i think.
Didn’t want to be mean with the meme
Well, didn’t think about that
yes, what else should it mean?
boring dystopia smth
I know it’s not good for the chonker to be this chonk but this chonkin chonker is chonkin cute to the heck!
If i can just suppress the warnings which need to be fixed till morning in my buggy code, anything goes!
nice! I ll look into this
“DoN’t CaLl ThIs WoRk, ThIs IsN’t REAL WoRk”
Well, well, well…
Thank you!
What’s the name of the game?
In germany we don’t open this link, we say “XcQ der Link bleibt zu.” and i think it’s beautiful.