Have you tried to search by the name of the song? It usually comes up in the first page when I do that
Have you tried to search by the name of the song? It usually comes up in the first page when I do that
Darth Not A Jedi Master Vader
Are we ruling the Earth or making the biggest mess ever in history? Who’s to say who has the better admin skills?
Hi this is your doctor. You should masturbate whenever you feel like it.
I always make sure to blame my team mates
Both works fine in Windows tho?
Excel databases are totally fine if the only reader is human
controlrid of it
I did not. I’m using corporations as an example to explain “how things usually work”. What other part of my original comment did you not understand if that was not the part you’re questioning?
How do you get this? My home page just has some recent links
I just make sure to reply at 2am
That apologies in mere words are so useful that all corporations have some specialists to do just that?
I’m not sure if it is wise to give advice that is the opposite of how things usually work
You have it backwards. We self host to justify the hardware setup.
You means corporations actually care about nothing other than money? That can’t be!
Why guess? She’s showing it on stream
you “only” need to pay for being alive instead of going around hunting all days fighting boars and shits
for 4!?