nobody noticed dark side of the moon cover on the background
nobody noticed dark side of the moon cover on the background
I recently played minecraft on my NixOS servet with my new friend from college. This weekend I wanna play Gothic 1 for the first time (wish me luck)
NixOS 🥹
yellow submarine (1968?)
gothic 3. because it looks like piece of shit.
LaTeX and maybe NixOS with hyprland (both for the first time)
Sorry for the delay. I’m from Russia and 5.0 it’s max, so it’s very good
Graduated high school with a 5.0 to go to college to major in sysadmin
The Witcher trilogy + awesome books
oh this picture seems taken from fallout 1 or 2 :)
Keep going, you’re good at it!
Heroes of Might and Magic V. I was like 5 or 6 y.o. and I played it on the uncle’s old laptop. After 1 hour working in the garden, he gave us a 1 hour to play with my big brother. I loved just making a huge army by skipping a move lol. It was such a good time)
as a Russian who has studied the history of the USSR, i can say that Stalin’s regime might seem like a kind of fascism now, but by no means am I saying that Stalin’s communism was anything like Marx’s or Lenin’s.
It’s such a nice story. Thank you very much for sharing. All the best for your family❤️
tell me whyy you cry and whyyy you lie to meee
I’m born and live in Russia, but I use english everywhere, except for specific topics. And also I can’t read books on english yet