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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I can’t believe some people think that putting tariffs on a country means the country will just give the government 25% of everything and the merchants of that country are not just going to raise the prices to match the new expenses(or maybe even a little bit more since they have a good excuse to change prices).

    I guess I can stand to eat a bit less, we can call it the economic collapse of the US diet! Just think of all the profits from the diet books! To bad they are going to cost 30% more now that my Mexican publisher is paying a tarrif to bring the books into the US. That’s OK, spending more money on the book just means that you won’t be able to afford as much food, making the diet work even better!

  • And now you know why the DNC was so rabid about guns despite there being so many other things that kill more people and don’t automatically alienate half the country.

    Gun violence is a problem. The DNC chose to die on that hill. I guarantee that there will be more gun violence than there would have been as the fucking shitbag Nazi’s keep doing there thing. There are a surprising number of people who will never vote Democrat because “they will take my guns away”.

    This was an issue chosen to keep the US divided and ensure that the half that really oppose the oligarchy are not the half that is armed.

    Good news liberals, leftists and all of you that are not part off the Nazi party, you can still buy guns at the store or from you neighbor.

    Don’t let the Nazis seize power. They are 1000% more likely to kill you and your entire family than your chances of dying from random gun violence pre 2016. We are quickly approaching the point of no return.

    Protect yourself, your family, your friends, and those that can’t protect themselves.

  • (@Dan not shitting on you, i just really hate Phillips)

    Next logical increment… Gotta say ain’t nothing logical about Phillips/posidrive bullshit,

    Robertson drive was around when Henry Ford decided to use Phillips on his cars. Robertson was more expensive to licence the patents(Phillips was cheap cause people thought it was shit)

    God damned Nazis fucking everything up(Ford was a Nazi(ish) and a real piece of shit). Maximizing profits over everything else screws everything up as we are seeing right now, but sometimes it doesn’t just fuck up the here and now, but like Phillips, it just keeps fucking everything up for more than 100 years.

    “Let’s make a drive that has an angle to it so that it will strip out super easily and destroy the fastener(don’t tell me Phillips is great because it limits torque, it doesn’t without destroying the head so bad you might not be able to remove it)” said no good engineer ever.

  • please define duct tape homelab

    pedantic side rant: Adhesive tape with a plastic covered cloth backing was never and will never be duct tape. It was originally called duck tape because the plastic coating made water run off it like it runs off a ducks back. If you use this product as duct tape your going to have a bad time, it will develop cracking in the plastic portion of the tape and drying of the adhesive, both of these lead to ducts leaking and higher utility bills. Proper duct tape is a metal foil with an adhesive developed for the application. This leads to joints that stay tight long term and lower utility bills. IT’S NOT DUCT TAPE IT’S DUCK TAPE even if the packaging says it is duct tape. It should always be called duck tape (not always Duck™ tape) no matter what brand. It was named duck tape because water runs off it like it runs off of a ducks back, and that predates the Duck™ brand. As for the worry about confusing duck tape with Duck™ tape, nobody is confused when you ask for a kleenex or a bandaid no matter what brand it is. I spent to much time on this, I’m done ranting.

    tldr: read the bold text and be less lazy

    @blazeknave I promise I’m not trying to be a smartass in response to your comment.