I’m good, how are you?
I’m good, how are you?
You don’t have trillions of dollars worth of weapons to use on us, so you’re much more likely to be “taken out” than the current government.
luke’s poor feefees. :(
Everything you’re spouting as a gift from capitalism is exactly what capitalism has taught you to say in its defence.
Tell everyone you’ve never had to experience hardship without telling everyone you’ve never had to experience hardship.
Millions of Americans have to choose between feeding themselves and housing themselves. You are hardly the “freest” country, haha. Richest? Sure just like every other wealthy country, the vast majority of the wealth is held by the people who tell you how to live your life.
Get a grip pal.
Delete Facebook
Were you too busy doing a capitalism that you forgot to read the comment they made?
Look at the state of the world right now. It’s pretty bleak - capitalism is the cause of all of this. It had its good days, sure, but in the end capitalism + greed has ruined it for everyone.
Most sphinx cats are accustomed to wearing clothing/accessories, as they’re naked and cold.
Enjoy all the wet food!
Apologies, I incorrectly believed we were discussing Canada for some reason.
My mistake. I (for whatever reason) thought we were discussing Canada.
Hell, we didn’t even get to vote for our last two leaders
Please explain this false statement.
Edit: I am silly and thought that statement was about Canada. I feel shame.
This sounds like a bad idea. Just replace the post.
Which is the best kind of correct.
Germany had plenty of nuclear energy but decided they wanted to shut them all down. Now they have to use coal and LNG.
I’m so happy for you, sweetie.