Reread what i wrote. I don’t judge police officers for their profession
I judge people for their actions… the rules they choose to enforce.
If someone enforces bad rules, then yes, i will judge that and i won’t rethink that.
Reread what i wrote. I don’t judge police officers for their profession
I judge people for their actions… the rules they choose to enforce.
If someone enforces bad rules, then yes, i will judge that and i won’t rethink that.
The reality is that complacency is complicity. I would agree that LW mods don’t make up the instance rules, but if they are actively enforcing the rules instead of turning a blind eye then that is something that can be judged.
And this absolutely is not comparable to someone’s sexual orientation lmfao. Judging based on someone’s sexual orientation is bad. Judging someone based on the rules they enforce is 100% fair.
Inb4 of any bs that I’m advocating anything. I’m not. I’m speaking generally and I’m saying if you enforce a rule you inherently support that rule and those it defends in that context
Constant real-time surveillance of populations, analyzed by Oracle-powered machine-learning products, would keep everyone “on their best behavior,”
Ive been meaning to re-watch the minority report.
Suspended for being the target of violence. I didn’t even fight back but the zero tolerance policy also meant i got suspended too. It was a random event from someone who i had never interacted with so it wasn’t like i provoked them into stabbing me.
ive never ran into this
Because i don’t visit those shit sites
From trump
[…]Everybody I’ve spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land, developing and creating thousands of jobs with something that will be magnificent. […]
Yeah, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to know he either was lying or didn’t talk to that many people other than his rich oligarchy
Pre-cut it. If it’s frozen then thaw it first, then pre-cut, then heat
Complacency is complicity
I also didn’t! I even checked my inbox because i was suffering FOMO
Edit: someone sent it to me lmao. Thanks stranger
There are vegan egg substitutes like a flax egg. Here’s my favorite waffle/pancake recipe.
Very cute! Thanks for sharing! And thanks for being a foster! 😻
Try not to foster fail 😅
Yeah that’s precisely why i made the change too. Had actually been planning on it for some time but Microsoft gave that extra push with the deadline 😅I’m really liking it so far
Well it’s not much but 18 days ago i said id switch and it’s been 2 weeks since i did!
Last year Andy yen also moved proton to non profit proton foundation with majority shares of the company and 5 trustees of which Andy yen is only one. The majority stakeholder in Proton AG is now legally bound to do whats best for Proton and their stated mission
So yeah Andy is kissing the ring and being a shit human but he’s not the entirety of proton. Still weird Andy from Switzerland felt the need to proclaim his love for trump though.
If you find another privacy focused email/vpn provider from a non14 eyes country that is owned by a non profit foundation then id be genuinely be interested but last i checked other alternatives are still full capitalist machines that haven’t put privacy over profit.
Relevant post from earlier this month
Honestly if it starts at 30% then im 0% tipping and they can fuck right off.
Look for a better job cuz mine is not great but it’s something
Lmao. Look at OPs comments. They actually believe this shit. Based on all the other shitposts they post here and all throughout lemmy, they probably picked it up on reddit or some other trash site, thought it was funny, and came here to share.
Veganism isn’t about respect for nature. It is a philosophy and way of living against animal cruelty and exploitation.
Congratulations on a legit shitpost.
What’s your reasoning for not asking someone’s reasoning? Or in other words, if the reasoning behind their thoughts is interesting then why stop before your started?
Also sorry i just have lots of questions. Was there a certain type of comment that you wanted to know reasoning behind, or just in general? For instance were you wanting to understand hateful comments, or political perspectives outside your own? That sort of thing
Neat username regardless!
No. I’m not. And I’m walking away from this conversation now because you are not engaging in good faith.