• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2024

  • The second best time to fix this was 4 years ago, when the Capitol was attacked to try to overturn a democratic election. But the USA has a big problem: nothing was done. A criminal staged a coup and failed. And nothing was done. He was allowed to go free, run for president and now he is in charge. The USA already failed years ago and now is just reaping what it allowed fascism to sow. Because nothing was ever done about it.

  • In my opinion it is not about swearing, and (not) seeing it, it is about censorship. Some big sites censor content that contains words that are considered bad by advertisers, these are not only swear words but also words like die, suicide, porn… This has changed the way some people communicate, with people using euphemisms or censoring words in images themselves: people censoring themselves before the big internet site censors them.

    As you wisely said: “Express yourself however you want”. The original author of the text in this post used a swear word and later it was censored by someone reposting it in social media to avoid upsetting the censorship machine or whatever website it was. I find this unacceptable.

    I fully support using a rich vocabulary and not using swear words, being polite. There are many reasons to do this: respect for others, improving ones communication skills, practising formal writing… but giving in to censorship imposed by social media websites should NEVER be one. Fuck censorship. It is unacceptable to allow big tech companies to shape the way we speak with their censorship.

    Express yourself however you want, if the website you’re in doesn’t allow you to do it don’t give in to censorship, give up that website and look for a place where you can express yourself.

  • With a bit of effort you can stream any movie directly to your TV for a few moneys a month (or free, but paying for the essential bits removes the jankiness)

    Something I learned back in the day: “Never pay for warez”. Pirate all you want, the moment you are paying, pay the creator of the product you’re interested in, not someone who pirated it and wants to profit from distributing it without a licence.

  • I recently set up a small home server and started trying to self host stuff. I found it pretty hard to get started. People have been very helpful on this community and other public forums, but I’m afraid it’s often not enough. They give me advice in trying this or that, doing this and avoiding that… but I still don’t understand more than half of the concepts that they use. I consider myself tech literate above the average user: I recently switched to Linux (after years on MacOS, using the command line, and even building a couple of programs from source), I also installed a custom ROM on my phone. I feel comfortable learning and doing these things… but still felt very very lost when trying to self host a few services. At the moment I settled for a local-only network where I run Jellyfin, Navidrome and Syncthing on OpenMediaVault. I’m lost with what I’d need to do to access my server from outside my local network, and terrified of doing something wrong and leaving a hole open so any hacker can access my server. I’d like to do it some day, but I’d rather have a safe local network than screw and get my data stolen or deleted.

    So, in my opinion, we would need good tutorials or a MOOC to explain the basics from scratch.

  • Thank you for this new tip, I think we found the problem: ports 80 and 443 are not open. After I installed nmap (which was surprisingly not present in my Raspbian installation), the output of nmap localhost reads:

    Not shown: 997 closed ports
    22/tcp  open  ssh
    53/tcp  open  domain
    631/tcp open  ipp

    I guess I did something wrong when following the tutorial (or the tutorial had some mistake, but I’d me more inclined to think the mistake was mine). I will try to clear this installation on docker and start all over again, then I will check nmap localhost again to see if it works fine then.

    Thank you very much for your support. I still feel quite lost, but I finally found out why this is not working and I can repeat the steps and pay special attention… or look for a different method (someone here suggested using Nextcloud All-In-One).

  • Thanks for your answer. I am indeed getting no warning on my browser, just “Unable to connect” on LibreWolf and “This site can’t be reached” on Chromium. I tried the same format ( with ports 80, 8080 and 443. The only difference is it was always https:// (since I think my browsers are configured to force https everywhere).

    The out put of docker container ls looks like this:

    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE              COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS                                  PORTS     NAMES
    95a71b3ce4f6   nextcloud:apache   "/entrypoint.sh apac…"   24 hours ago   Restarting (1) 30 seconds ago                     nextcloud-app-1
    590b07333fa1   nextcloud:apache   "/cron.sh"               24 hours ago   Restarting (1) Less than a second ago             nextcloud-cron-1
    337fd48a72e8   nextcloud-proxy    "/app/docker-entrypo…"   24 hours ago   Restarting (1) 17 seconds ago                     nextcloud-proxy-1
    401d57a50ec8   mariadb:10.6       "docker-entrypoint.s…"   24 hours ago   Restarting (1) 57 seconds ago                     nextcloud-db-1
    c6093edc9f71   redis:alpine       "docker-entrypoint.s…"   24 hours ago   Restarting (1) 9 seconds ago                      nextcloud-redis-1

    I notice that the “PORTS” column is empty. I am running Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) on my Raspberry Pi, yes.