It’s still all Greek to me
No, and the notes were generally about cleaning up the kitchen/family room and taking the chicken out of the freezer.
Minus the vague threat I used to come home from school most days to one of these
I’m pretty sure the band had an actual name, I’ve suppressed the hundreds of hours of bullshit skits and bad cover songs I had to listen to when I worked there so I can’t remember what they were called but I remember all their names .
Left to right: Charles, Helen, Munch, Jasper, Pasquale.
James got them Jimbo sizes tits.
Unless I’m the mush are sending me to another plane of existence, no thanks. Milk is pretty good though.
I’m not even a weeb I just think mushrooms are nasty.
I’d rather bust my nut on a waifu figurine than eat mushrooms and milk for breakfast.
Yeah that’s fair, I personally love it especially back cracks.
The indifferent is Viktor and he doesn’t care about anything other than food. The other one in the back is Joe and he hates getting his picture taken despite how photogenic he is. And Chloe is old and kind of a bitch.
I think it’s for blending
Yep, he’s got three more in the series.
Abhorsen series by Garth Nix.
Lucky Americans with your late thanksgiving. After the Remembrance Day on the 11th Canada goes into full Christmas mode, Mariah included.
They sold it at my uni, sales went to the surgeon research department.
Maybe paint ball instead? Shoot someone in the neck and you’ll get a great story and an easy ice breaker.
What about the roads, who will pay for the roads?