• 47 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2024


  • And I think you’re seeing this ending up a whole lot differently than I am. I think Trump and Putin carved up Ukraine in their phone call. That Russia isn’t going to allow any troops but Americans into Ukraine to secure the “negotiated peace”, that they will threaten to fire on any NATO country that sets foot in Ukraine except for the Americans. Russia will keep what they invaded and took plus some, the US will get to rape Ukraine of it’s rare earth minerals in the rest using Ukranian ports to export them to the US under the guise of reparations for aid given in the last 3 years. That’s how I see it playing out. Europe is going to have to decide how important Ukraine is to it, and given European history, they talk a big game, but when it comes down to it, they’er going to decided to protect their own borders, rather than forcing their way into the meat grinder between the US and Russia.

  • Well, firstly you have to understand that deep down on the DNA level the man is a weasel. Everything springs from that, with each successive gain in financial success, he’s become emboldened and excused to allow his inner weasel to run wild. He’s got 11 kids at last count. He’s done everything we wanted to do professionally, and then he got bored, and found the greatest drug there is for a weasel with tyrannical proclivities, using his money to buy power, in order to act like a god, then bully and hurt people. It’s not rocket science.

  • yes financial value isn’t intrinsic, it’s created, but it’s created by group acclimation, a thing is worth what a) someone of a group of someones says it’s worth AND by b) a second group who is willing to pay what the first group has valued that thing at, for that thing. but it’s an understanding, which is based in observable, recordable, and prooveable metrics BASED equally on the intangible of trust in the underlying business system upon which it is offered. That second bit can’t exist in the current environment, when the Constitution and all law based on it, are becoming meaningless.