What’s the tool of choice now?
What’s the tool of choice now?
@nifty I have nothing against Ruby and think it’s a nice flexible language. At the peak of RoR though, all the asshats were all over Ruby.
My problem with Ruby wasn’t even RoR, it was with the way the asshats valued creativity “cleverness” which seemed to mean writing code in the most cryptic ways possible. These folks took what should be an expressive language and wrote scripts that rivaled Perl’s worst “read once and never again” scripts.
This is the game I play on my Steamdeck the most. Great for five minutes or 45. I’m at ascension 14 or so.
Is that not what Matrix is? I haven’t been to really understand Matrix so maybe I’m wrong.
There will be scores of people looking for evidence this new device is doing something Apple has not disclosed. This is how security researchers make a name for themselves.
The engineers on the team building this product will not want to be associated with building something nefarious. These engineers are just regular people. You can find them online and speak with them. They look for jobs at other firms just like we all do. Unless they are being paid so well that they won’t ever have to work again, they can’t ruin their reputations.
If you really believe what this post is purporting, I’ll remind you that you are most likely carrying a device with you every day that has a microphone and internet access. If you aren’t, you are still surrounded by people who are.
The claims this post is making will simply make people tune out or ignore real security concerns.
It’s hard to discuss zipper merging because people use to justify all sorts of dick behavior. Zipping through an empty left turn only lane to skip to the head of a right turn only lane for example. That’s not an example of zipper merging but there’s tons of people who I’ve seen argue that’s acceptable behavior.
Does this mean I can reasonably expect to buy a Chromebook and install vanilla Linux without huge headaches?
There’s always been Linux distros that targeted Mac hardware. There’s got to be something like that for chromebooks, right?
I’ll simplify things for you. I invented french fries. Anyone who says otherwise is a dirty liar
I’m very impressed with startrek.website. The community appears to me to have completely forgotten about Reddit altogether.
Oh? You don’t have to setup a usenet provider to Sonaar work?
I’m out of the loop then. You have any recommendations for modern setup tutorials?
@owiseedoubleyou @deleted @iHUNTcriminals
No, binaries were included. That was the main way binaries were exchanged for a time.
Usenet access used to be included by ISPs. It’s been a long time since that was standard. I’m not sure which Usenet providers are worthwhile now.
Does your ISP still provide Usenet access or do you subscribe to a Usenet provider?
Paying $9 a month for Usenet makes me wonder if I shouldn’t just keep paying for Hulu
He’s been a libertarian douchebag as long as he’s been a public figure.