I haven’t done any research into GPUs on Linux in awhile. I wasn’t aware nvidia finally released an open source driver. Looks like it’s recommended for the 3080. Seems like this was a fairly recent development so you may have more luck?
I haven’t done any research into GPUs on Linux in awhile. I wasn’t aware nvidia finally released an open source driver. Looks like it’s recommended for the 3080. Seems like this was a fairly recent development so you may have more luck?
Same. I’ve had a few big config purges and migrations every few years, but I’m always neovim.
I started using Neovide as a frontend so people could follow what I’m doing (it adds animated cursor movement, etc.) I actually found that I really like it and rarely use a terminal to run neovim now.
I switched over to GrapheneOS a couple months ago and couldn’t be happier. If you have a Pixel the switch is really easy. The biggest obstacle was exporting my contacts from my google account.
One of the goals of neovim was to introduce tools to build a GUI around vim. Imo the terminal is by far the best option, but there are some fun options. Neovide is an interesting one. Mostly because it doesn’t do too much – just eye candy.
A lot of posts in here complaining about shitty commercial radio. Do you all not have local radio stations? I love my local stations.
Lol everyone should go read the couple of posts on the community / magazine with the same name. Hilarious seeing people so triggered by people pointing out that the name is a bit problematic.
I always just use zsh with oh my zsh. Best of both worlds.
One thing that I still don’t know how to do is go to the next result in the search with Ctrl+r. Makes it less useful lol
If you like Doom Metal you have to listen to Witch Mountain.