
Pas de parenté réelle avec l’écrivain.

Bâtard d’une diaspora honnie. Ne parle pas la langue.

Procédurier chaotique.


  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • They’re not fucked, GDPR is all nice and dandy until it comes to States oppressing people, France has been steadily building DNA files of undesirables and foreigners and they can. ARCOM (formerly HADOPI) harvests insane amounts of personal data but it’s all been made legal because it’s against piracy and piracy is evil so it’s fine. Enforcement of GDPR violations in France is a bad joke, CNIL won’t do shit. They actively conspire with advertisers to make it easier for them to data mine legally, they only fine an infinitesimal fraction of violations, and they’re extremely slow and useless.

    Their official excuse is a lack of budget but when the number* of fines you levy is a few dozens even when you get hundreds of complaints about extremely basic stuff like not complying with deletion requests and websites calling Google and other US companies without needing to, the excuse wears pretty thin pretty quickly, there’s ample and very clear precedent, they just don’t care.

  • The class with a mannequin is really important to experience firsthand. Like to see that you should really start calling the emergency services and put them on speaker after you’ve assessed the situation and before you start CPR. And to know how hard you have to do it. It doesn’t take incredible skill, the modern mannequins will rate your performance, as long as you go fast enough and don’t stop it’s good. I was in shape at the time and I found it easy enough if you use your weight to help, I don’t think I could keep going hard for more than five minutes though.

  • OP has no ambition, you can buy rolling stock for scrap value quite easily. If you have an insane amount of labour at your disposal you can do most things for a small heritage railroad by hand. The know-how is not secret arcane knowledge. The main issue is that most countries don’t have that many enthusiasts willing to fund those projects. Road subsidies are insanely high but hurr-durr trains are expensive.