Now you tell me. I’ve been putting my headphones on my eyes for years and wondering why I couldn’t hear anything.
Now you tell me. I’ve been putting my headphones on my eyes for years and wondering why I couldn’t hear anything.
Though I’m sure if they can figure out someway to force subscription bullshit in there, they will.
Yep. Musk is a right winger.
But we can’t have that I guess. I fucking hate corporations so much.
I know an even better way for them to save money. Anthony Wood, the CEO, gets like $20,990,000 in total yearly compensation. Like most these fucks most of it is non-salary, so they don’t pay taxes on it right away if at all.
I hope she does lose. I’d really like her to get wrecked, but unlikely considering how red a large portion of her district is from what I’ve heard/read. the sooner she fucks off to obscurity, the better.
Good question. Probably bootlickers who have been propagandized their entire lives. China is far more capitalist than communist IMO. It’s kind of a blend these days. They also think places like China & Russia are the enemy whe in reality our own government is the enemy and have progressively made things worse and worse for the poor and working class for decades.
There just needs to be automatic instance assignment for new users with registration time opt-out for those who want to choose. Pick whichever one is the most populated. If that’s down at that particular moment in time, pick the next most populated and so on. Take the instance picking out of the equation for people who don’t care about that. People who do care can still pick their own.
That being said, it’s difficult to grow a new website in general unless it’s already got established backing from other source (i.e. a large corporation, celebrity, etc.), It’s not like old days in the 90s when there were far fewer websites in general.
We don’t have a monopoly. - Company with a monopoly
Lmfao…Tuberville helping communists? Dude is as right wing as they come. Communism is left. He’s very much anti-communist. God I’m so sick of how this country has bastardized the word so much that they call literally everything they don’t like communist.
Traffic bad? It’s communist! Woke up sick? Communist! Kids giving you problems? Communist! Store was sold out of your favorite thing? Communist! Dog barked too loud? Communist! Bird crapped on your car? Communist! Burnt your toast? Communist!
Where does it fucking end? Please use a different fucking word, holy hell.
This is fascist bullshit. We should have something to knock every one of them out of the sky and smash them to a billion pieces.
I don’t have kids, but AFAIK, it’s not a fucking picnic Summer party taking care of a baby. They literally cannot do anything for themselves and are entirely reliant on their parents.
And even if it were, so? So what? Why can’t adults have breaks too? You know damn well these fascist fucks take breaks all the fucking time. They just don’t want anyone else to have what they have because they’re scumbag fuckwad assholes who don’t give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves. If it doesn’t directly and personally benefit them, it shouldn’t be done, according to them.
I doubt it will happen. Alabama will just ignore them and do what they want and the courts will let them get away with it. They won’t do what they’re supposed to unless those in charge are thrown in prison and the people draw the maps themselves and don’t let anyone in the government have any involvement.
Yeah…no. Enough of the fucking 70+ year olds. I’m so fucking tired of people who should be fucking retired owning and running everything. Fuck the mother fucking hell off fossils. God damn it. Enough with the fucking retirement home bullshit. Holy fucking hell.
I mean if people want to do this, I guess? I’m super socially awkward and even I wouldn’t want to do this. I want the person to like me, not the AI.
If this does happen, I hope they find a way to do it that doesn’t make Bezos and the like richer, like what happened with Standard Oil years ago.
As all billionaires are. Along with unempathetic sociopathic psychopaths.
I hear you and I’m sorry that you have to deal with that. I haven’t even gotten a 2% raise in years. Funny how the government has no issue giving themselves (i.e. the politicians) raises whenever they want.
IDK, ask the companies who refuse to pay fair wages and the government who refuses to force them to do so?
I’d just get a mouse that doesn’t have this bullshit before paying for this. I’ll buy used if needed. I’m not subscribing to a fucking mouse.