Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson! Great series so far
I’m finishing it too. Great writer and great saga
Me too! Although the audiobook version. Hoping to finish this one before the audiobook version of Red Rising #7 comes out!
People are divided on Oathbringer, but I genuinely think it’s my favorite book.
I’m currently reading Secret Project 3, it’s good so far but I’m only a few pages in.
Has anybody read The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook yet? I just finished it, great concept I just wish it was longer.
Brandon Sanderson is definitely one of the greats of this era of fantasy writers.
Linux Kernel development, Operating Systems Principals & Practice, Computer Systems A Programmer’s Perspective, and Forward the Foundation
Hyperion by Dan Simmons
Great book. I remember where I was and what I was doing when I read sections of that book for the first time. It really leaves a mark on you and no im not being clever
My favorite book of all time. Hope you’re having fun with it!
I’m really enjoying it.
Great series. My personal favorite from Simmons is the Ilium/Olympos duology, although Olympos was a bit of a letdown at the end. Simmons is brilliant but he does have a way of setting a lot of things up and occasionally failing to deliver a satisfying climax. Hyperion and Endymion, read as two complete works, do a better job of concluding things.
I distinctly remember reading Ilium when I was like 12 and just being absolutely dumbfounded by the erotic scenes with Helen of Troy. I had never encountered adult content like that in a book and it just blew my horny teenage mind.
Simmons’ fusion of historical literature with robust far future science fiction is chef’s kiss.
Some people will say the rest of the series isn’t worth reading, but I enjoyed them all.
Just finished the Fall of Hyperion and it’s pretty good still. It can definitely be hard to follow along sometimes though.
Before They are Hanged by Joe Abercrombie. It’s book 2 of the First Law series. I’m mainly a Sci-fi reader, but started this fantasy series, and wow, what a ride.
Aww man, if I go could go back into this series fresh again. I love this series.
If you enjoy the first trilogy the three standalone books are also great and the follow up trilogy is also fantastic.
But man, The Bloody Nine is an all time character.
The Three Body problem by Cixin Liu
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. I borrowed it from a friend so long ago I don’t remember who it was. Like… More than 10 years ago. I didn’t expect it to start out so strangely, especially after finishing The Three Body Problem lol. And that one started very strangely!
Wage Labor and Capital - Karl Marx. It’s very small but I’m taking my time with it
I’m in kind of a rotation of Sci-Fi (last: Children of Dune), classic novels (Dune kinda counts but my last from this category was Lord of the Flies), and nonfiction/leftism
Last book of The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie.
Aww man, if I go could go back into this series fresh again. I love this series.
If you enjoy the first trilogy the three standalone books are also great and the follow up trilogy is also fantastic.
But man, The Bloody Nine is an all time character.
I second the opinion of the audio book versions.
I’m in the middle of the Wax and Wayne series by Brandon Sanderson, just finished Shadows of Self.
Sanderson’s books are a really fun read, highly recommend them to anyone interested in fantasy.
Adrian Newey’s how to build a car
I’m reading that currently too! So far I’m really liking it.
Sounds interesting. I read Ross Brawn’s & Alan Parr’s “Total Competition”. Maybe touches the same topics from another angle.
TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 1, it may be a little bit outdated, but the core concepts still stand.
I’m very close to finishing The Sound and the Fury. It has lived up to it’s reputation of being opaque and difficult. Really more of a checklist book for me.
I am about midway through Neurotribes. It’s interesting, but has been slow going.
I’m finally picking up steam on my second read of Infinite Jest. Even better than the first time around.
I am about midway through Anathem. Neal Stephenson is a gifted writer, but for some reason I really lost traction on this one after I got through the world building and into the actual narrative.
I am also nearly done with my second read of American Gods. I have it on audiobook this time. Really enjoying the ensemble cast. It’s a good story and I enjoy Gaiman’s narrative style.
Idk why but ever since my youth I’ve never been able to focus on just one book at a time.
This sounds stressful to me. I am the complete opposite, I need to finish a book (or series) completely before I can move on to something else.
I’ve read more books in the last month than I have in 5 years. I’m really enjoying getting back into it
Perdito station by China Meiville(hope I spelled it right) I just started a week ago and have only been able to read a bit because of time constraints but so far I’m pretty intrigued.