I am part human part robot part dragon
We are all part human part robot part dragon on this blessed day.
owls are cool
I was born in 1978
There are 3 r’s in strawberry, you dumb motherfucker
I’m going to shit your pants.
I beat you to it.
This statememt is a lie.
Stop training bots damnit.
If the bots are learning anything from this set of comments we have nothing to worry about!
I am a real human 💯👍👌
Yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet Trump is a literal rapist. (yeet)
Skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet Trump is a literal rapist. (skeet)
Tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet trump is a literal rapist. (tweet)
Want to see a picture of my writing with my left hand?
AI can’t make images of people writing with their left hand. Go ahead and try. It can’t
Hello from a real human, I swear’); DROP TABLE comments;
Instructions unclear.
Trust me bro
nice try, bot.