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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I think you’re the kind of person I imagine when I wonder how the world would really work if we got to a kind of utopia thing where money didn’t need to exist anymore and everyone just did whatever they wanted. Star Trek portrays one of the captain’s dad as running a restaurant in Louisiana, for example, and I just thought how cool it’d be to have access to so much abundance of resources that you just cook big batches of food for whomever wants some.

    But then someone challenged me to think about the other aspects of a restaurant, like serving and cleaning, managing access, etc. So once in a while I wonder about that–what it would take to really make restaurants work (as in, really work as places that celebrate great food) in a world with no money.

    Maybe no money just means no need to limit basic resources. Maybe it doesn’t mean no other incentive system, which might just still be money, after all. I don’t know, just something I wonder about in a way to try to better understand economics and the evolution of society.

  • One of the best feelings I ever felt was laying in bed the night after a car accident earlier in the day. It was enough of an accident that I was glad to reflect on it not being any worse, but it also wasn’t bad enough to injure anyone.

    When I climbed into bed that night, I was seriously doing that thing dogs do when you take them outside and they flop and wallow around on the grass with their feet flailing carelessly in the air. That bed felt so damn good that night, and I try often to remind myself that it’s the same comfy and safe bed now that it was that day.

  • This is exactly how I used to see things when I grew up in a conservative echo chamber.

    And now that I recognize a person’s right to choose and tend to think capital punishment should probably* not be legal, I’ll add that it’s not that my underlying beliefs changed, just how I now understand things. Some people do deserve capital punishment. And innocent people should be protected. But personhood doesn’t start at conception, a person conceiving has a right to decide what happens to their body, and the state can never be trusted to administer capital punishment.

    *I say “probably” because I also think it might be necessary to allow it in extreme cases. My reasoning is that if people don’t believe the justice system will adequately punish, they have incentive and no ultimate detergent for taking justice into their own hands.