This usually is discussed in the context of head hair but I wonder if it cant also apply to body haie elsewhere that is actually unwanted and wanted to have removed…
Like if you cornrow your pubes super tight wouldnt that eventually damage it and cause regional or irregular alopecia that is analagous to the head alopecia that happens to people who wear damaging hairstyles
Thats an extreme and arbitrary example btw, got nothing against pubis as Borat would say lol
The pain in having newly braided pubes, braided tightly enough and regularly enough to induce alopecia… just wax, my bro. Just splurge on laser removal.
Getting it sugared is slightly less painful!
Just indulge the notion as discussed ;)
They did, they’re also saying that it’s a bad idea
There should be tension stickers you can slap on and pull through to desired tightness and then it covers larger areas evebly like that
Those exist. No bullshit.
There’s a version for sports, to apply tension over muscles. There’s also a kind that works as an emergency suture. They’re a bit smaller than the sports ones though