I am putting this up on behalf of someone else (I was asked so nobody would get in trouble for bumping while this thread is pinned). This is going to get thread-gamey. Here is how this works. Each person will comment with a feeling. You can go as intricate as you’d like in terms of details, and see if anyone relates. People who relate must reply “+1” to the initial comment, and maybe detail it even more from their perspective or try to explain the feeling for example. Those who don’t relate must reply with “-1”.
You can look in the replies for examples. There’s another thread on another site that serves as the inspiration to this as well, if that helps to provide a basis for how this works.
Sorry to double post, but are there any other people with hyperthymia here?
Feeling like something you see on TV reminds you of the taste of a food you know of just because of the color of said thing on TV.
Paranoia that you will be accused of something you didn’t do, so you arrange your actions around it to avoid being suspicious, only to fear that will make you suspicious anyway.
Specifically this refers to my art, I’ve had people accuse me of using AI before, even though I make the effort to include receipts whenever I can which prove that I made all of my art.
+1 spending my youth on Tumblr made me exhausting to talk to because I started adding 1000 disclaimers to everything I say so I wouldn’t be accused of random unrelated thought crimes
+1 me everytime I make eye contact with the door person at the grocery store
Not particularly liking a piece of music but being addicted to it anyways.
+1 I’m a gummy bear yes I’m a gummy bear
Writing something before falling asleep midway through it, only to awaken shortly afterwards, and then feeling like you don’t understand how to grasp the rest of what you’re trying to write in order to finish it.
+1 (Happens even when I walk away from something though)
+1 and then you’re questioning whether or not your train of thought before you fell asleep was even coherent.
The dread ~1 hour before a social event you agreed to and wanting to not go even if you know you’ll have fun once you’re there.
Both +1 and -1 because I used to be bad about this, but now my loneliness has become more agonizing than my introverted behavior.
Pacing around aimlessly because you feel like you should be doing something, but you have no idea what.
+1 I just do laps through the house when I remember and then forget what I was doing.
+1 and you feel that you are forgetting something important, but you can’t remember and the deadline of said something keeps getting closer
I’m tired
ADHD as a kid, only treated for a few months.
Got kicked out and shuffled around in my early teens, spiraled until I was in my early 20’s.
Military until I couldn’t take it anymore, I think the 24/7 activity and walking a narrow line helped the ADHD but got tired of getting threatened with jail for being forced to do things that were not legal.
Forced myself out of the military (long story but they let me do it because my 1SG was the cause of the above statement and he was force retired immediately after I got out) lived overseas for a while, watched as my home (the states) slowly started going crazy, started spiraling again and dreading moving back, moved back to the states cause I couldn’t make it work anymore, visa ran out and I didn’t have the energy to try to figure it out.
Two weeks after moving back, got a job (somehow), got therapy through the VA and am now properly treating my issues. Constantly dreading the near future even moreso with clarity now. Yay.
That’s the short version lol.
+1 - work is hard. Relationship is hard. Friends are hard. Kitten is hard.
+1 mentally and physically
Feeling nostalgic for a time period you never lived through.
+1 but not a time period per se just knowing things were better before now.
Can’t say I do, but I know people who are though!
A feeling when you have conquered Alexithymia and every feeling feels new and exiting to discover.
Finding that the kingdoms of heaven and hell are within me. Knowing that working with my “demons” can make them my holy guardian angels and neglecting attention to the guardian angels cause them to become more ferocious demons than they were before.
Being able to feel and taste other people’s art.
The best way I can describe it is like, if someone has a smooth artstyle with soft highlights and there’s a lot of cyan/turquoise in that art, it’ll tend to have a soft, minty texture. Even JPEG artifacts have a particular “seasoning” to me. I feel weird having to even type this LMAO
Hardcore -1
A strong yearning for a place you can’t quite describe that is full of discoveries and beauty. Like Wanderlust.
The desire of being free of desire.
Riding fast on your bike in a rainstorm while listening to high energy and/or emotional music.
+1 also it’s a crime that I can’t just start driving and never stop for the rest of my life and see what places exist forever